
I went to see Delores Zinck at Harris Hill Rehab today.  She was having OT when I finally found her after walking around and asking for about a half an hour.

On the way back to Lockport, I stopped at the large Niagara Produce and bought a few items, some for tonight's supper.  When I got home I had a quick lunch before going to Peg's house for her life group.  We had a great meeting today.

Betty and Peggy came over for supper.  I used two of the products  I bought at Lynn Squires TASTEFULLY SIMPLE party I went to a while back.  I used ginger ale to make the beer bread.

I added carrots, cheese, ham and potato to this soup mix, and added an extra cup of water.  Between the three of us, we had five helpings and I have a whole quart left.
It was a very good meal.


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