Friday, March 1, 2019

The day after the windstorm (Monday) I don't think I made it to the Y in time for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH.  I was talking on the phone with Louise and she was very upset so I let her talk, and then I called Faith Tab and left a message for Pastor Craig asking him to contact her.  I was disturbed because Louise said something like "I see no reason to go on."  She recently lost her husband and is having a hard time coping.  I must have made it to the Y later on, though, but I don't recall what I did there.  I also went over to Peg's house and took care of Petra.  I had an appointment with Dr. Legeratta in the afternoon and he found no issues with my eyes (I was following up on the flashes I noticed two weeks ago).

TUESDAY morning, Betty picked me up and she drove to the airport.  We stopped at the OLYMPIC RESTAURANT
for "a snack" but ended up having breakfast.  After dropping her off at the airport, I headed back to Lockport and went to the Y and walked and worked out, and then stopped at Wendy's and picked up a salad.  It was around one p.m. and I saw that several of the women from the Tuesday morning life group were there for lunch, but I did not join them.  I was not really hungry because of having two breakfasts and my salad was for my supper.

Pam asked me to pick her up at HOUSEL'S on Wednesday morning so she could leave her car there to have some work done.  So I took care of Petra early and then went to meet her at Housel's, and
then we went to the Y and did two exercise classes: Stability and Silver Sneakers Circuit. We walked a bit before going to Wendy's for a baked potato.  We drove over to Peg's house and I took their garbage cans from the curb to the side of the house.

THURSDAY:  Pam and I met up at the library and started planning a trip to Ohio Amish Country.  We set dates and looked into lodging.  One of the places is a room in a Mennonite home for $49 a night but the owner is away and will return in a few days, and I need to call her then.    Pam and I went to the VILLAGE EATERY and I had the baked meatball sandwich, which was delicious!

FRIDAY (today) I went to the Y for AQUA STRETCH and AQUA JOG.  Elaine was there for both of those classes.   I walked some and used several machines.  A couple of people were talking about their "surgery horror stories" and I jokingly asked them to take their conversation elsewhere.
Then I went to take care of Petra and then I came home.  There was an event at Faith Tab tonight, game night including pizza, but I decided not to go.  I stayed home and watched the first three episodes of PROVEN INNOCENT.


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