March 27, 2019

I went to the Y for STABILITY and SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUIT.  I walked a bit and used the recumbent bike between those two classes.  After SSC, I took a shower and then met up with Pam so we could go to see Delores Zinck  at Harris Hill Rehab.

We decided to have lunch first, so we went to TED'S HOT DOGS.  I had a hot dog and an order of onion rings, which I shared with Pam.  Then we headed south on the Transit.  We stopped at Kohl's so she could buy a birthday gift for her grandson.

We only got to see Dee for a few minutes since she was waiting for physical therapy to start.  She looks good.   She said she plans to move to the long term care unit and continue doing PT and OT, in hopes that she can return home eventually.

Pam and I went to Paula's Donuts on Main Street Clarence before heading back to Lockport.

I took a nap in the afternoon and then got a FB message from Bianca, who wanted to come over for a while.  She is in town due to her brothers procedure (stent placed yesterday at Buffalo General).  She stayed for a while and we had tea and talked.


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