Thursday March 7th, 2019

So far this has been a quiet week...………I went to church on Sunday and drove Myrna and Louise home afterwards.  I have not done much.  On Monday, I went to the Y and did SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH and worked out.   Tuesday I went to Elaine's LIFE GROUP, and then a few of us went to Wendy's for lunch.  I arranged to pick Louise up yesterday morning and take her to the Y with me but she cancelled out, so I went alone and did my two exercise classes:  Stability and SS Classic, and ten minutes or so of SS Circuit before heading to Appleby's to meet up with the girls I went to high school with, Barb, MaryAnn, Liz and Janice were there.

I had decided to stay home today and get stuff done, but Vicky called and wanted to meet up at the Y to walk, so we decided on 11:30.  I did what I could at home and then went to take care of Petra and then deposited two checks in Citizens Bank and then went to the Y.  I ran into Marlene and she and I walked until Vicky arrived and then Terry Ackerman joined us and we talked for a while until Terry's trainer tried to get her attention.

Vicky and I walked for at least a half an hour, and then I showed her some of the machines I use and the we both used the recumbent bike for a bit, before leaving.  Then I went to WalMart to pick up a prescription for Peggy and get some cat food for Petra.  Then I stopped at the Marathon to get a chicken dinner, which I took to the library where I read the last three local newspapers.

 I was almost home when I saw the light informing me of low tire pressure, so I went home and called Beauman's garage and asked if I could bring the car over so they could check the tires.    They agreed and I went right over.  They repaired the rear passenger side tire, which had a piece of metal in it.  As I was leaving Beauman's, Pastor Craig was walking in and he said he had a tire problem, too.


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