LONG, LONG Sunday: 9/22/19

At church today, Pastor Craig spoke about being "courageously humble" a skill I might be able to use in my relationship with Christa, although it did not seem to work when I tried to be that way with her father.

Anyways, after church Dee, Betty and I went to Hoover's for lunch and then to Elderwood Wheatfield to visit with Myrna.  We had a nice visit with her for about 45 minutes.  Her brother came while we were there.

I had a brief time at home before it was time to leave for church for the Remarriage of Robin and Tom.  They married in 1995, and divorced a couple of years ago, but they have gotten back together.  They were supposed to be remarried today BUT there was a glitch in getting their marriage license, so they had a commitment ceremony.   It was very nice.

After the ceremony, there was a reception in the youth sanctuary.  There was a spread of food and two cakes.
I gave them a gift card for Wendy's in a card.  

It was a long, tiring day.  


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