
I went to the Dale for the AGING MASTERY class this morning.  It was about healthy relationships and very good.   After that Marlene and I talked with Karla about the possibility of going on the trip to QUEBEC next summer.

Betty picked up Dee and myself and drove us to the Royalton Methodist Church for their spaghetti dinner.  We met up with Becky there.  Jenny came in, but she was doing take out since she does not feel well.  We talked for a bit.

RUNNINGS was having some type of event tonight, so after the dinner we went to check it out.  I liked seeing these decorated pumpkins. 

There were a few vendors.  The most interesting thing was seeing these owls

which were on display with an animal rescue organization.  

We noticed the beautiful sunset before we got in the car to head home.
We showed Dee an easier route to get to Betty's place and my place on the way home.  


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