When I got to FREEDOM CHURCH this morning to meet up with Peggy to take the OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD  boxes to the church in Pendleton, the church van was already loaded up with most of the boxes.  Peggy had four more that we added.
We delivered 75 boxes.  
We stopped at Craft Coffee House in
Pendleton and Peg got a coffee and I got a hot chocolate.

After we returned to FREEDOM, I located this church that Peg mentioned to me.  Her dentist goes to this Coptic church.
I decided to go to the KENAN CENTER for the NIAGARA FRONTIER WATERCOLOR SOCIETY 14th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF TRANSPARENT WATERCOLOR the watercolor.  The paintings there are very good.  This was my favorite:
         BECKONING RIBBONS by Sheila Reigh.  At first I thought it was a photograph.  Then I went to the library to read the current newspapers.  Then I went to the Historical Society to see an art exhibit.

     While I was out, I went to Citizens Bank to cash a check while going through the drive through.  I found out that I did not have my drivers license with me.   So I went inside to cash the check and when I got home I was a bit frantic looking everywhere and hoping I would find it.  It was in another purse.

   When I was at the library reading current newspapers, I saw that the NIAGARA ARTS  GUILD was meeting at the Dale at seven p.m. and that they would be making Thanksgiving centerpieces. 
I asked Betty if she would like to go and she said yes.  The Thanksgiving centerpieces did not work out, but they did another project, turning gourds into candles.   Everyone was friendly and doing the craft project was a lot of fun.

                                      Nona working on hers.

                           Pouring hot soy wax into the gourds
                                              These are the two I made.l
                                        Betty working on her second candle
                                          Betty's finished  products.

I gave someone my email address so I can get on their email mailing list.  Next month they are having a Christmas  pot luck.  


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