SENIORS SOCIAL GROUP at the Y: November 18, 2019

I was getting ready for the day when Louise called and reminded me of the meeting of the Seniors Social Club at the Y this morning.   I hopped in the shower so that I could get there at eleven a.m.

When I arrived,  the three volunteers in charge:  Susan and Shirley (sisters), and Doug were there, along with Louise and Ed (one of the trainers).  It was supposed to be "game day", but instead we got to know each other.  Others started to drift in.  Glenda (youngest of 14 children raised in the Appalachian Mountains-525-3760) Brigitte (an author), a younger woman named Megan (I don't think she realized that this is a group for seniors), Darlene (I kind of met her at the Community Garden), her friend Carol (who had a western wedding last year when she got married just before she turned 70) and Kathy(known as Meemaw, and she is looking for friends to travel with). 225-5004. Elaine popped in for a minute but did not stay.

Because I was writing down everyone's names, Susan suggested that I might be their official secretary.  I suggested that she sent a sheet of paper around so she could get names and phone numbers for future reminder calls.  She did that.

Doug told us that they hope to offer day trips.  If enough people are interested, they can charter a bus,  or we can carpool...……...possibly to the Lilac Festival in Rochester in April.

The next gathering will be Monday December 16th and will be BINGO and a cookie exchange.  Those who want to participate in the cookie exchange should bring two dozen homemade cookies. BINGO prizes will be Christmas kitchen items (each participant should bring one).    The January meeting will be TRIVIA.

I left the group fifteen minutes early because I had a dermatology appointment in Clarence.  I arrived a bit early and was cared for by a PA named Matt.  He was very good, and he zapped a wart like growth above my right eyelid.  If it has not disappeared by mid January, I need to call and make an appointment to go in for a biopsy.

I stopped at Paula's Donuts, then at Aldi's and then went to the Post Office, and then took some books to the library to donate for their twice yearly book sales.


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