LADIES LIFE GROUP resumed!!!! 6/16/2020

After three months of not being able to meet, the Tuesday morning Ladies Life Group was allowed to meet.  We met at the home of our leader, Elaine, we met outside in her yard.  Nine women arrived at various times and we had some wonderful fellowship.    Elaine, me, Vicky, Marlene, Louise, Mary, Diane, Lori, and Cindi (who provided guitar music).

Normally, our life group is from ten a.m. until noon, but todays went until well after one p.m.  At that time, they were discussing the idea of walking to Hoovers and bringing lunch back.  I decided not to join the group for lunch since I was planning on going to SOLID ROCK for the drive through take out spaghetti dinner.

I went home and had lunch and took a nap and then headed out to SOLID ROCK.   They were very well organized.   Marlene and I met up at ROYALTON RAVINE and ate our spaghetti dinners together in one of the pavilions.  Marlene and I talked about possibly going to CHIMNEY BLUFFS and walking the "top" trail.

On the way home from Royalton Ravine, I noticed an old abandoned building in Gasport that I had never seen before so I stopped to take a couple of pictures.  I will put this one on the Project 366 Facebook page.

 I stopped at the Rochester Road TOPS and picked up a few items including COOL WHIP so I can make Rosa Marina Salad.  

Paula called to tell me about Mary Anne's appointment at Roswell today.  Because Mary Anne was so weak, she was not allowed to have chemo today.  She has to try to take in more calories and get stronger and go again in two weeks.    I threw together a double batch of peanut butter cookies tonight and will bake them tomorrow to take to her. 


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