
I spent three hours at Mary Anne's house, mostly bagging up clothing.  I filled the back of my vehicle with bags and then called Peg and asked if she could take them to SAVE THE MICHAELS.  She said yes, so I drove to FREEDOM and Peg met me outside and I put them in the back of her vehicle.    Then I went to WalMart to get a few items and then I came home and had lunch:  hot dogs, beans and french bread with fake butter.  I also went through Mary Anne's mail and my mail, and then talked to Kevin Kopek from NORTHWEST BANK regarding MA's accounts.  I need the official appointment papers for both SS and NW.  I emailed the attorney about this.

After my nap, I had a light supper:  a banana and one piece of gluten free bread toasted.  Then I went to MA's house to pull out the recyclable bin, which is full to the brim.  Then I went to DOLLAR TREE and stocked up on items I use dish detergent, kitchen can bags, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc.  I spent over 32 dollars 

By the time I left DT, it was going on eight thirty p.m. but I decided to go to REIDS hoping that their ice cream place would still be open, but it wasn't.  When I got home, I sat on my front porch reading the book about Corrie ten Boom.


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