This morning I was able to reach someone at the NEW YORK STATE RETIREMENT office.  I was asked to send in a death certificate and then they can find out if there are any death benefits.    Online, I found out what to do about turning in the license plates to her car.  So, I found an envelope large enough and wrote a cover letter and got them ready to put in the drop box at the Lockport DMV.

Elly Magnums funeral was at eleven a.m.  I was disappointed at the poor turnout.  I did see at least one person from the Y where she worked.  The ladies of the church arranged a funeral meal for after the funeral.  I had to leave Freedom right after the funeral ended, so Peggy had the workers put together a plate of food for me, which I ate while driving to COLD SPRINGS for the interment of the ashes of Isabel Connor, who I am somehow related to on my mother's side.  Isabel was my BROWNIE leader in the second grade.  Her daughter Barbara was in my class in school, but we were not friends.   Barbara lives in Texas (where Isabel lived in the later years of her life).  Her ashes must have been flown to Lockport and Prudden and Kandt handled the interment.   Because of travel restrictions due to COVID, Barbara was not able to be present at this brief ceremony. It was a small group at the graveside, Becky, Mike, me, Marsha Zimmer, Andy from Prudden and Kandt, a relative of the Connors, and a minister who gave a brief message.  I took pictures for Becky.

After Cold Springs, I went over to Mary Anne's house and filled up one kitchen sized garbage bag of clothing.  Most of it will go to the Salvation Army or Good Will.

I took a nap and listened to today's episode of BEN SHAPIRO.  When I got up, I puttered around the house and got a few things done.   I had two pieces of gluten free toast and a banana and a few cherries for supper.

Betty and  I went for a walk.  It was kind of hot, but it was nice to get some exercise.  We sat at a table in IDA FRITZ PARK for a bit before going to Lake Effect Ice Cream.  I had a popsicle.  I told Betty "popsicles are my new ice cream".


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