Thursday 7/23/20

I spent a few hours at Mary Anne's house this morning, mainly sorting through clothing
and getting rid of some, and bagging up most of them to give to Peggy, who will deliver
them to SAVE THE MICHAELS.  I found a change purse with some cash in it.  So, after I
left her house around one p.m. I dropped that off at her lawyers office so it can be
put into the estates account.

Then I went to the DALE ASSOCIATION for their drive through Christmas in July lunch.
Each participant was given a bag lunch including a hot dog, chips, a cookie and a
bottle of water.  I took a couple of pictures.
I took it home and had lunch at home.
 I did a few things around the house and then rested for a bit and watched more of
QUICKSAND.   I checked FB and found that Kevin and Rita have unfriended me. 

I met up with Peggy at her house at 5:15 p.m. She had picked up two bbq chicken
dinners at the CareNet Center.  I contributed four bean salad and and muskmelon with
raspberries.  The chicken was really good, practically falling off the bones. When
we finished with our meal, we crossed the street and walked around the arena at

When I got home, there was a phone message from Betty to call her.  She wanted to go
for a walk, but I was a bit tired from walking with Peggy.  I gave her the information
about the chicken dinner at SOLID ROCK this coming Saturday.  I offered to treat her
to supper at THE SHAMUS tomorrow night.  She will call and make a reservation for
six p.m. on the patio.

I sat on the front porch and read LIFE LESSONS FROM CORRIE TEN BOOM.  I am really
enjoying this book.


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