Thursday, July 30th, 2020

I found two emails from Marianne Koenig this morning.  She approved $25 per hour for Kevin to help me, and asked me to keep good records of his time, so I can submit that info to her. She has been in contact with Key Bank.  She suggested writing back to Social Security and telling them that the "letters" are not available yet.  

I spent four hours at Mary Anne's house this morning and finished up her mothers bedroom (for the most part).  There is SO much jewelry that I cannot go through it all.  The estate sale person will have to do that.  I also used a stool in order to get into the storage shelf above the bathtub.  I was surprised at HOW MUCH stuff was up there.  I pulled most of it down and went through it.  I bagged up many old sheets, pillowcases and towels to take to the HEARTS FOR THE HOMELESS bin at Freedom.    I also used the stool to see what was in the cupboard above the frig.  I took that stuff out and set it on the kitchen counter.

Kevin Kopec called and we agreed to meet at the bank at nine a.m. tomorrow.   He said we can get
started without the "letters".  I need to take MA's death certificate and contact info for the other beneficiaries.

I picked up lunch at Wendy's again.  Rested in the afternoon.  I met up with Kevin and Rita at Mary Anne's house.  We worked for about an hour.  Rita brought down several boxes from the attic and I sorted through them.  Rita took a lot of Easter and Halloween decoration, I kept most of the Christmas decorations so they can go in the estate sale.   Paula brought me Mary Anne's mail.  


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