Tuesday, July 14th

I spent the better part of the morning organizing info and documents that Mary Anne' s lawyer requested.  In the late morning, I went to KITH AND KIN, a gluten free bakery, shop and diner. I purchased a sandwich for myself, a muffin and a loaf of bread and I went home, where I ate my sandwich which was, I think a CHICKEN COBB Sandwich.  It was good

I met with Marianne Koenig at Pat Georges office at one p.m.  I took good notes and made up a notepad document with the info (using notes I took during the meeting), and also in here. (very next post)

I rested in the afternoon and then had a kind of early supper (chicken pot pie that Peggy gave me).    I decided to call VERIZON and cancel both of Mary Anne's phones.  I was put on hold for a LOOOONG time, and at the same time I was trying to contact someone via the chat feature on the Verizon page.  Eventually, a guy answered, but he was only able to cancel her cell phone.  He connected me to a place where I could have cancelled the land line, but it was too late, that office was closed.  I arranged for a call back on Thursday morning at eight thirty a.m.

While waiting for someone at Verizon to answer, I wrote a letter to Penny Vedder and watched some of STATELESS on netflix.  I also wrote this scathing letter to Verizon: 
I will wait until Thursday morning when I am supposed to get that phone call, before I decide whethr or not to send it. 

Mike and Dominic came over to get something out of the garage and Dom left me a thank you note for the check I gave him for graduation.

I brought the tall lamp in from the car and set it up in my family room, with a dark turquoise globe.  It looks really nice.


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