Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

I finally got hold of Kevin and he said he can be a pallbearer.  However, then I could not get through to Prudden and Kandt by phone, all I get is a busy signal.  I emailed them through their website, but who knows if that will work?

I went over to Mary Anne's house to make sure the garbage got put out since Kevin forgot.  Candy must have taken it out.  I added to it after I gathered up more junk in the house.  I gathered together all the papers that MA had spread out in the living room, dining room and kitchen.  I need to find the water bill that she got a few days ago.  I offered to take it on the day it arrived, and pay it, but she said no.  I found a small picture of MA with her mother and a dog, taken outside the house.

I got home and had an early lunch, then did a load of laundry so the outfits for today and tomorrow are clean.  Bonnie Burnett called and said the lunch group will arrive together at five thirty at the funeral home.

I decided to watch GREENLEAF while waiting until it is time to leave. I am pretty sure I dozed off once or twice, which was good.

I arrived at Prudden and Kandt about 4:25 or so.  I was glad to see Mary Anne looking so good.  The hairdresser who did her wig did a great job and I feel certain that MA would have liked it.   Her outfit (that I bought at T.J. Max) looked good.

A lot of people came to the calling hours which were five p.m. until seven p.m.  Several neighbors, several people who worked with her at the Health Department.  Several "girls" who graduated from high school with us came.  Mary Anne's elderly cousin who is 88 years old and still farming also came.  Peggy and David came, so did Betty and Pam, who knew MA through me.  I got to meet Antoinette (Bianca's cousin) for the first time.   Kevin had brought MA's dog, Maggie, so a lot of people got to meet her (OUTSIDE).

All in all, it went well and I was pleased with the number of people who came.  Prayers will be said at 9:15 tomorrow morning before transporting the casket to ALL SAINTS for the Mass of Christian

Around 6:25, Father Ugbeum (I am sure that is spelled wrong) came and he, Paula and I said some prayers in front of the casket.

Kevin spoke with Shannon and he and his son will be pall bearers tomorrow.


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