SUNDAY, December 20th, 2020

 I slept in a little bit this morning.  Before online church started I prepared meatloaf for my Sunday dinner.  While I was watching church online, I peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes.  I will also cook the acorn squash that I got yesterday at Refuge Temple.  

When I went out to the car to look for my camera I found that an EDIBLE gift had been delivered from Heritage Christian Services.   A large plate of chocolate stuff, mostly cookies and a few chocolate dipped strawberries.  I have not decided whether I should keep it or give it to someone else.  

Online church was good, even though (for copyright reasons) the clips from the movie TO could not be shown.  

My meatloaf and mashed potatoes turned out good and I also had a couple of treats from my EDIBLES gift.  

After my nap, I read Cassandra/s "Thesis" paper for her English class.  She is in her second year of college at the community college.  Her paper is about fish, and how lack of regulations for catching, killing and having fish as pets cause harm to them.  It was very interesting.  

I settled in to watch THE SOUND OF MUSIC, but then Connie called.  She seems somewhat confused about completing her new Health Care Proxy.  I am very concerned about her. 


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