Tuesday: December 22, 2020

 I had an eye appointment at ten a.m.  On my way there, I stopped at the HISTORY CENTER and purchased three copies of  this book.

Mike and Jen co-authored this book!  I got one copy for myself, one for Peg and David for Christmas and one for Gail.  

    I arrived a bit early for my appointment and was taken right in.  I saw the elderly Dr. Legaretta, the doctor I saw regularly in the beginning up until the time of my cataract surgery.  He checked my retinas because I reported occasional light flashes in the left corner of my left eye.  He said everything looks fine.  I had my pressures checked and they were fine, and I had my eyes dilated.  Dr. Legaretta prescribed new eye drops(something that starts with X)  to replace the old ones (Restasis), and suggested I purchase OASIS eye drops from his office.  I also purchased a new BRUDER MASK, since the one I have is getting pretty worn out.  I will start using the new one January first, and try to remember to purchase  new one every year.

I went to Hoovers to purchase eggnog, chocolate milk and strawberry milk to take to OXBOW (Carrie's residential home in Lewiston), however they were out of egg nog.  I purchased several quarts of both chocolate and strawberry milk, a gallon of cider and three quarts of punch, as well as one quart of tea and a couple of additional quarts, perhaps lemonade.  Along the driveway to get to the HOOVERS store, you can see this cow!  I think it is new.

Hoovers still deliver milk in this truck.
                                          Sign in the store window.
                                                        HOOVER'S DAIRY STORE (they must have just opened this recently, vacating the old one on the other side of the barn.  

 I went to DiCamillo's bakery and purchased two platters of cookies.  Altogether, I spent one hundred dollars.  I took the items to OXBOW and visited with Carrie for a few minutes. Here she is with the cookies.   
Unfortunately, the battery in my camera gave out, so I could only take this one picture.  I would have liked to take several shots and then picked out the best one, but this will have to do.  

On the way home, I stayed on 104 until I got to 78, and stopped at Crosby's and picked up two pieces of pizza for lunch.  Myrna called while I was eating lunch.  

After napping, I settled in to watch US, a British TV series that I started to watch yesterday.

  It is very good.


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