FIRST DAY OF SPRING: March 20, 2021

 The phone rang at 8:10 am and woke me up.  It was Betty and she wanted to know if I wanted to meet her at the refuge for a hike.  We agreed to meet there at 11:00 a.m.  I got up and then remembered that I said I would bake corn muffins and make egg custard for supper with Peggy and David.  So, I got to work.  First making the muffins out of a cornbread mix I purchased a couple of months ago at TRADER JOE's.  Then I made the custard.  Then I realized that I would not be ready to leave at 10:30 unless I skipped taking a shower, which I felt I needed. So, I called Betty and changed the time to meet to 11:30.  Then I got the idea to call Marlene to see if she wanted to join us.  She agreed to meet Betty and I at the barns in front of the Kanyoo Trails.  I also called Peg and invited her, but she said she had to run errands.  We set five p.m. for me to join them at their house for supper.  

The three of us met and had a nice long walk on the Feeder Canal Trail.  We saw lots of birds including many swans.  I took several pictures.

Kumpf Marsh

  We had some good conversation.  When we finished up hiking and were back in the parking area, I offered both of them a corn muffin.  I was surprised at how good they turned out.  

I had a light, late lunch at home and then rested a bit.  

I had supper with David and Peggy at their house. They prepared a corned beef cabbage with all the trimmings.  Plus, Peggy made a fruit salad.  Everything was delicious.  They both really liked the corn muffins, so I left the rest with them.  

I got home in time to watch the first episode of SENSE AND SENSIBILITIES, but realized that I have already watched this series.  Myrna called and we talked for a while.  She is not going to church tomorrow, but she asked me to save a seat for her granddaughter.  


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