Monday, July 26, 2021 and Tuesday, July 27th

 MONDAY:  I decided to do some shopping this morning.  I went to WEGMANS where I purchased soda for Peggy's party, went to FEEL RITE where I purchased Lacto and a few food items and to OLD NAVY where I found a pair of dark blue jeans and three lightweight tops.  I picked up a slice of pizza at Wegmans and that was basically my lunch.  

I watched THE TERMINAL with Tom Hanks in the afternoon.   I finished doing Peggy's laundry and put it in my car, so I can deliver it to her tomorrow.  

TUESDAY;  I picked Betty up and we went to the Ladies LIFE GROUP at Freedom Church.  I passed out fliers with the info regarding the "field trip" to Niagara Falls aboard the DISCOVERY NIAGARA SHUTTLE.  

Eight of us went to THE FIELDSTONE for lunch.  I had an appetizer and the soup and salad bar.   Before going home, Betty and I went to TOPS and we each bought a few items.  

UNFORTUNATELY, after I dropped Betty off at her place, she fell going up her front stops.  She thinks she may have sprained her right wrist.  

I talked with both Connie and Myrna in the evening.  


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