Thursday July 29th, 2021

 I went through my jeans this morning and chose several pair to donate to the GOOD WILL.  I still have way too many pairs.  I called Gail and asked her if she would like to go out to lunch and she said yes.  We agreed to meet at THE HILLTOP on 78 in Wrights Corners.  However, when we got there at 12:30, we found that it was closed so we went to CAFORA'S, and had a nice lunch.  I had the eggplant parmigiana which was good.  

Peggy called and we set a date to take the Campbell girls to the Buffalo Zoo.  I will pack a picnic lunch.

I napped in the afternoon and then I picked Betty up to take her to WalMart since she needed a few things.  Her car is still being worked on.  While she was picking up water and some other groceries, I picked up a pair of long capris and a few shirts.

On the way back to her house, Betty and I argued because she criticized my driving again (she said I was driving too slow) and accused me of being scared to drive and/or scared of my car.  I told her that she is a "nervous passenger" which she denied but I told her I am not the only person she criticizes.  Peggy warned me about it years ago and David vowed to never drive her anyplace after he took her to the airport recently.  I only mentioned Peggy, though.  I told her this "nothing makes a driver more nervous than a person who often makes remarks about the drivers driving, etc."  She really is guilty of that and Peggy had warned me about it years ago.  

When I tried on the items I purchased at WM, I realized that I was overcharged on two items, so I put everything back into the bag so that I can go to Customer Service and get it straightened out.  

Betty called and apologized for being so critical of my driving.  I apologized for the things I said, too.  


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