Tuesday July 20th, 2021 Life Group, AAA, and Hail Storm

 The Ladies Life Group was this morning.  Twelve or thirteen attended and then we went to Wendy's for lunch.    Then I met up with Marlene at AAA so she and I could meet with Lynette Wilkenson regarding the terms of our travel voucher which we got after cancelling our trip to Glacier.  It appears that we were even reimbursed for the money we paid for our travel insurance.   We got all of our questions answered and even some ideas for how to use our voucher.  Of course, a lot rests on Marlene's health situation, which is tentative right now.  

During the Life Group, Betty and I were kind of roped into setting up a plan for a trip to Niagara Falls on the shuttle, including putting together a flier to be handed out.  So, I worked on that in the afternoon.  We had a short but powerful hail, rain, thunder and lightning storm around 4:40 p.m. 

There were larger pieces of hail out there, but I did not want to venture any further than my front door to pick them up.  

Around seven p.m. or a little earlier I put on a pair of rubber flipflops so that I could check out how deep the water is in my basement.  It is pretty low, less than an inch and the furnace and water heater are on slabs, and the water is not high enough to get to them.  I need to find out where the drain is.

At 7:49 I got an automated message from New York State telling me that a STATE OF EMERGENCY has been declared in Niagara County and only emergency travel should take place.  

My neighbor Mary Turk came down to check on me.  She said her basement is flooded, as well as other neighbors on her end of the street.  The woman across the street was sitting out in her yard, so I went over and asked her if everything is OK, and she said yes.  There is some sort of truck down at the end of the street with emergency lights on, I am not sure what they are doing.  It looks like there may be emergency vehicles in the school parking lot, too.  It is still sprinkling, slightly.  And a little after eight thirty p.m. thunder started. 

My neighbor posted this picture of my street.  I guess it is good that I never saw it when it was like this even though all I would have had to do was look out my living room window.  I guess it drained down towards the school (west) pretty quickly.  

The tree on the right is on my property.  


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