Wednesday July 28th, 2021

 Betty still has not heard whether or not her car is ready for her to pick up.   The swelling in her wrist and hand, and the pain, has diminished and she is feeling much better today.  I worked on sorting through clothing in an effort to get rid of some of the excess.  I completed a whole dresser, in which each drawer had three or four vests in it.  I have a bag and a half of items that I will donate somewhere.

I called Betty around 12:30 and asked her if she felt up to walking down to the Lockport Community Market.  She said yes, and I told her I would walk over to here place around 1:50 and we would walk from there, since it starts around two p.m.  

When we arrived, we found that there were only two or three vendors there, but more were expected.  Betty suggested that we go someplace for lunch.  I had already eaten lunch.  We went to LaPorts where she had one of the daily specials:  chicken parmesan.   I had a Dr. Pepper.  We ran into a slight complication because we had forgotten that they do not accept credit cards, but I had a twenty dollar bill in my pocket (just in case moneu) so I paid for her lunch.  

We returned to the market and there were a couple more vendors there.  Betty purchased some beets and I purchased a purple pepper.  Then we went to the Discovery Center where I picked up a few more brochures for the Discover Niagara Shuttle and Betty purchased a jar of strawberry jam for Myrna.  Then we headed home.

I checked email and found out that we need to change the dates for our August tickets to the Van Gogh Exhibit from August to September, so  I called both Betty and Peggy so that we can coordinate the dates and request new tickets.   We were able to get all four tickets changed to September 9th at 11:30 a.m.  Whew!!!


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