10/21/21 CareNet Banquet

I picked up a script at Rite Aid before going to FREEDOM CHURCH for Peggy's Freedom Group, which went very well.

After that, Peg came over to my place and we took the air conditioner out of the upstairs apartment and she helped me figure out how to put a new battery in one of my sensors for my alarm system, and also put a new battery in the thermostat upstairs.  

I chose an outfit to wear tonight and laid it out and changed purses before taking a nap.  When I got up, the phone was ringing and it was Elaine who told me that I should arrive ten minutes earlier than we had agreed on.  So I hurried up and got dressed, but I didn't like the way the white lacy top I chose fit, so I quick chose a different top and different jewelry and I arrived at Elaine's place on time.  

We arrived a few minutes early at CLASSICS V. 

 When I tried to register, I was told that I needed tickets for the four of us, so I went in and found Peggy who was able to give me two tickets.   Anyways, they let us in and we found our table

and that was when I found out that I was TABLE HOSTESS.  Peggy had not mentioned that to me before.  

At my table, there were me, Elaine, Crystal and Bonnie, Cindy and Jack Landrigan and Steve and Danielle.  (Steve is the guy with the great voice, who is on the worship team at church). 

                                                          Me and Elaine
                                                Jack and Cindi
Bonnie and Crystal

 I bid on the silent auction for the water purification system, but apparently someone overbid me.  The program was good.  The meal was turkey, stuffing,

mashed potatoes, string beans, rolls and butter and ice cream with chocolate sauce for desert. 

The program was simpler than usual, without a guest speaker.  There were slides and narratives regarding the center and the program. 

 We spent a bit of time honoring Cindra, who almost died from COVID last year.  

 Table hosts and hostesses were given the centerpieces.  Peggy gave me a second centerpiece because she did not want it and neither did anyone else at her table, so I took it and gave it to Elaine as  THANK YOU for driving.  Here is mine:  

Before getting to her house, Elaine drove down Crosby Street so we could see the three popular Halloween decorated houses.  I might return and take pictures some evening.  They are quite spectacular!!!

When I got home, I made some popcorn and sat down to watch SVU, but Christa called to tell me that her facebook account has disappeared and she thinks her neighbor with whom there has been some friction, is responsible.  Indeed, when I tried to find her on FB, I could not find her.  We arranged to stay in touch online other ways.  


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