Monday, October 25, 2021

 I slept very poorly last night even though I took TWO sleeping pills.   After breakfast, I decided it would be a good day to do some shopping especially since I was all out of milk.   I went to Home Depot and puchased a smoke detector to replace the one that broke recently (one of those that is supposed to last for ten years, YEAH RIGHT!!!) was the replacement for the first one that gave up the ghost after a couple of years) and I also purchased batteries for all of my smoke detectors, and I will ask David to check them on Thanksgiving Day.   I went to THE DOLLAR TREE and purchased items for my Christmas Child box and a couple of other items.  Then I went to Aldi to get milk and bananas.  However, I purchased a LOT more than that.  I stocked up a bit on toilet paper and paper towels.  

I purchased a salt lamp that changes colors. 

However, I am going to return it because it does not have a plug on the end (the kind that would go into an electrical outlet) and it does not have an on/off switch.  

After lunch, I sliced some small skinny cucumbers and put them in the saved pickle juice from a jar of sweet pickles. 

I just tried one and it is really good.  I anticipate that they will be better after sitting in the frig longer.  
Then I took a really good nap................I think I slept two full hours or maybe a bit less.  

I talked to Betty on the phone and it looks like she, Myrna, Elaine E. and I will be going to Rochester on Wednesday for a late lunch at the GOLDEN CORRAL.  That means I will not be able to pick up a chicken cacciatore dinner at UCC.  I called Elaine and told her.  


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