October 14th, 2021

I started a soup in the crockpot before leaving for  Peggy's FREEDOM GROUP this morning.  It was a smaller group this morning, and it went very well.  I left immediately after and headed home where I had a quick lunch and checked my mail (and added a couple of items to the crockpot) before heading over to BEAUMAN'S to have my car  inspected.  It passed!!!!

I called Pam about four thirty p.m. and asked if she wanted to come over for supper, but she had already eaten.  She came over a little later on and we took a long walk and then visited for a while here at my place.  We decided that some day soon we will go to the NIAGARA HOTEL, since it has been revamped.  However, when I messaged the NH on facebook and asked about their lunch menu, I was told that they do not have a kitchen and do not serve any food.  When I told this to Pam, she said that someone told her that the food was good!

I talked to Betty on the phone for a bit.  We decided to NOT go to Ellicottville this coming Saturday because the weather will not be all that good.  We might do something else.    

I finished watching JEWEL on the Filmrise British TV channel.  It wss a "made for TV" movie with Farrah Fawcett.  


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