October 18th, (Monday)

 MONDAY returned!!!!!  I slept in a bit and then decided I needed to get moving on a few things.  I made a few phone calls.  I contacted Dee and Jan with info about the presentation at the Palace Theatre tonight. I contacted Crystal with a reminder to bring her vaccination card and a mask Thursday night, and she will remind Bonnie, and I will discuss all of that with Elaine tonight.

  I have been concerned about the SUPPLY CHAIN issue including shortages and realized that I should stock up on items I need.  First, though, I went to the Y and signed up for the next craft class.  Then to WalMart where I got a few groceries and a huge package of toilet paper and paper towels and some other items.  Then to Rite Aid where they had three filled prescriptions for me.  Then home for lunch and a few household tasks before a nap.  

When I got home, I found a note from Paula thanking me for my donation to the RIDE FOR ROSWELL, and some photographs from the time she spent with Cindi, Mary and I at Allegany. 

I had a quick light supper (leftover steak and potatoes and steamed asparagus) and then picked Elaine up for the event at the Palace.   It was a lecture and slide show about notable women of Niagara County). 

I had invited Betty, Jan and Dee, but none of them showed up, but we saw Crystal and Bonnie and her sisters there.  The program was very interesting, but kind of rushed because the narrator (Melissa from the History Center) was in a hurry to get home and watch the Bills game. Elaine and I agreed to leave Lockport a little after four thirty tomorrow so we can get to SOLID ROCK around five p.m.  I called Becky and she will meet us there.  Betty might meet us also.  

I started watching MIDNIGHT MASS on Netflix, it is a limited series.  I changed my mind when I saw supernatural stuff, so I tried AN UNFINISHED LIFE and realized I saw it already, so tried THE WHOLE TRUTH (a movie)   It was pretty good.


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