December 27th at home with Carrie

 Both Carrie and I slept in a bit this morning, which meant for a late breakfast.  We both had oatmeal with banana slices.  Very good.  It took me a while to wake fully up even though I did not take a sleeping pill last night.  

After Carrie was dressed and settled for the day, I checked my facebook, and a memory from 2014 came up.  It was the day Becky and I went to Niagara Falls to the Power Vista to see the decorated Christmas trees.  Also, that day I made sweet potato soup!  Reading about it made me hungry so I decided to make sweet potato soup again, so I could use up some of the leftover ham.   

I read a bit of THE SISTERS BROTHERS off and on in the morning.  I called US Bank and requested forgiveness of interest and late penalty, for a bill that I am sure I paid online at Citizens Bank.  I guess it is possible that I neglected to click on the last PAY BILL.  Anyways, the fees were forgiven, and I went online and paid the updated bill.  

Peg stopped over to see Carrie and bring me some cider.  I gave her some of the soup I made this morning.  We discussed the "door" issue.  I am going to call Home Depot tomorrow and see if I can get my $1,500 back.  

Betty called in the evening to tell me that her son in laws sister, Liz, is now on hospice care. Liz has been battling cancer for a few years.   I got to know her before COVID hit, I went along with Betty when she took Liz to Roswell and Buffalo General a couple of times and visited her a few times in her home in Middleport.  I talked to her about accepting Christ as her Saviour while she was in Roswell a few years ago.  Peggy talked to her about it more recently. 

I called Myrna and we talked for a while.  She had a nice Christmas.  I told her that the ticket for the drive through Christmas lights at the fairgrounds that I gave her will be good through January 2nd.  I was happy to hear that two of her three daughters have already used it! I sure got my money's worth out of that ticket.  


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