Tuesday, Dec. 21st BAKED RICE PUDDING, Spaghetti Dinner and CHRISTMAS LIGHTS


I decided to look for a recipe for baked rice pudding using cooked rice and I found this recipe and tried it       BAKED RICE PUDDING Recipe

  1. Preheat oven to 350F and grease a 2.5qt baking dish.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
  3. Stir in the cooked rice, breaking apart any clumps. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish.
  4. Bake for 1 hour or until the custard is set.
  1. While it was baking I prepared Cinnamon CHEX  Churro Chex Mex.   The recipe is on the back of my box of Cinnamon Chex.  It is done in the microwave.  I like it.  I tried to nap in the afternoon, after a light lunch but I don't think I fell asleep.
  2.      Betty picked me up at a little bit after four thirty and we went to Myrna's place to meet up with her and VIcky.  Then we headed to the fairgrounds for the Christmas light show.  When we got there, we decided it might work better if we went to SOLID ROCK for their spaghetti dinner first.  So, we did that.  The dinner was very good (it always is). and we enjoyed it.
  3.      Then we went to the fairgrounds for the light show.  It was not spectacular, it was kind of mediocre, but we enjoyed it.

    The VIP ticket I purchased is good for whenever, instead of a regular ticket which would have been for a specific day, so I gave it to Myrna, maybe one of her daughters can use it.  
      Then we drove around Lockport and saw some of the houses that are well decorated and lit up.  This is a house on High Street.

  4.      When I got home, there was a phone message from Connie, so I called her back.  She moved to CHESTNUT PARK Nursing home today and will be checking out Assisted Living Places in Oneonta, starting tomorrow.  She sounds much better than she did the other day when she called me.   


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