January 15th, 2022 Calvin Wroten Funeral at FREEDOM CHURCH and Sunday 1/16

 I arrived at Freedom Church around 9:45a.m.  Peggy asked me to help out in the finishing touches in the small sanctuary where tables were being set up for the funeral dinner.  I did that and then returned to the large sanctuary for the funeral, which started about twenty minutes late.  

The funeral was very nice, but of course, very sad.  Dom Wroten's father, who was only 48 years old, was murdered on the fifth of this month in Niagara Falls.  He left four daughters, Dom and her sister, Deja, and two very little girls from a separate relationship.  He and his first wife Rowena had remained friends after their divorce.  Apparently, Calvin was a pastor at Refuge Temple before he backslid.  But he did return to the Lord, Praise God!!!!  From what was said about him, he was a wonderful father.   His two youngest daughters have lost their father, and perhaps also their mother, since she may have been the one who killed him and is now in a psychiatric hospital.   I don't know who will be raising them.  The names have not been given out by news outlets until today:  Earlier today in Niagara Falls City Court, Chevelle Sherrill (43) was arraigned on one count of Murder in the 2nd degree for the death of Calvin Wroten (47) from an incident that occurred on January 5, 2022.

The funeral meal was catered by THE KITCHEN, and they did a lot of the work, including serving the food which Peggy and I had planned on doing.  I set up the desert table.  Peg, David and I sat at the table with Dom's great grandparents and uncle.  Her great grandmother pastors a church in Albion.

After the meal, I offered Justice Redhawk a ride.  I know his wife from the Tuesday morning Ladies Life Group.  Later on, on the phone, Peggy told me that when she sent me home after most everyone had left, she was doing so in order to avoid me giving him a ride.  He is a bit strange, but he behaved himself during the ride to where he lives.  

On the way home, after dropping Justice off, I saw the warning light come on for low tire pressure.  I will have to get that taken care of first thing Monday morning if the weather is OK.  Peg and David will pick me up to go to Prudden and Kandt tomorrow for the calling hours for Bob Johnson's brothers calling hours.

I tried various movie before settling on JOSHUA, which I really did not like much.  I chatted with Christa for a while in the evening.  Nikolai is pretty sick with COVID.

SUNDAY, the 16th

Betty picked me up for church, and after church we had lunch at Wendy's.  Unfortunately, there is NO HEAT in Wendy's.   When I got home from church, there was a message from Cassandra so I called her and we talked for a bit.  Peg picked me up so we could go together to Prudden and Kandt's for calling hours for Bob Johnson's brother Dan who passed away after a long battle with cancer.  There were a LOT of people there.  Peg and I talked with Gail, Andrew and Marty for a while.  

I rested when I got home, but the caffeine from lunch (Dr. Pepper) kept me awake.  I found the western movie THE KID on Hulu and watched it. 

It is good!  I wish there was a sequel.


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