January 12th, 2022

 I puttered around the house this morning and got a few things accomplished including writing out checks and birthday cards for Christa and and Chris and paying my membership dues for the Dale Association. Jan does not feel well and Betty was not interested in going to the Y this afternoon, so I decided to go by myself since I had to go out to mail a package at UPS and the Y is only a couple of minutes away

 At noon, there was something like a ZOOM meeting regarding Carrie's goals etc.   When ir was over, I headed out, first to UPS, then to get gas, then to drop off four bags of stuff to the GOOD WILL and then to the Y, where I walked and used the recumbent bike and the Sci-Fit for forty-five minutes.   I picked up a deep dish pizza and crazy bread at LIL CAESERS.

Peggy called to tell me that Gail's husbands' brother (Dan) passed away, and there will be calling hours this coming Sunday at Prudden and Kandt's and a funeral on Monday.  I called Mike to tell him.  We talked for bit.  Mike was told by his doctor to NOT get the covid booster after he tested out to be very high in antibodies.  

I watched a video that Leslie recommended in the evening.  It is about how the CDC has been deceiving us all along.


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