Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

I had my hair cut, conditioned and blown dry at THE CUTTING CREW this morning.  I think Andrea took off more than the ONE INCH I requested, probably close to two inches.  I am going to try NOT wearing a headband, but so far, I am not sure it will work well.  My hair still fluffs up and looks terribly huge.  So, I may go back to using a stretchy headband to subdue it.  

I met up with Jan at the Y.   I noticed that there was a senior's exercise class being set up, so I asked Jan if she wanted to do that, and she agreed. The microphone was broken so it was hard to hear the leader. After that, we walked the track for 20 minutes or so and then Jan used the treadmill while I used the Sci-Fit.  

Then we went to COUSINS CAFE for lunch.

  I had the turkey dinner.  Then we checked out a new store TERRIOR GENERAL STORE.  It was a bit disappointing, since they have so few products.  All are interesting and very expensive.  We also went into the kind of new bookstore (Lock City Books) right next door.  That was not at all disappointing and I am sure I will return.  

Jan and I agreed to meet up at the Y at ten thirty on Friday for another Silver Sneakers class.  

I had a nap at home and then prepared scrambled eggs and raisin toast for supper.  I saw on facebook that the daughter of an old, very good friend of mine, who I drove back and forth with to CCFL for close to two years (1984-1985) passed away today.  Karen Hermann.  I am not sure I ever met her, but I knew a lot about her and her family through her mother, Betty Beeman.  I especially remember how her infant son, Bradley, was diagnosed with cancer, but went on to survive and thrive and now he is married with children.  

Peggy called with some bad news.  Dominique Wroten's father passed away suddenly today.   Dom is in the children's ministry at Freedom Church.   She is a wreck and will be spending the night with Pastor Craig and his family.    Peg said something like "this is like a nightmare that we can't wake up from."

If we don't get the windstorm with lots of snow that is predicted, Peggy and I will go to SISTERS HOSPITAL in Buffalo to see Dom's grandmother, who is the mother of the deceased man. She had surgery and is recuperating there now and when she was told of her son's death, she had to be sedated.  I met her once a few years ago at a function at FREEDOM CHURCH. If we don't go tomorrow, we will go on Friday.   Which means that I will have to cancel with Jan. 

I watched the movie PRISONERS:  drama, crime, mystery, suspense!!! 

 Very good even though they left a mystery in the end.  Did Anna's Dad live or die?  I think he lived, but he will go to prison for kidnapping Alex Jones and torturing him.


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