Tuesday, January 11th At Home (it is cold out there)

 The phone woke me up a little after eight a.m.  It was Elaine and she wanted to know if I thought we should cancel the Life Group.  I think she called ME because I am usually the first to arrive on Tuesdays. After I found out that the temperature is FOUR DEGREES outside, I called her back and suggested that she cancel, because even though the local radio station said the roads are fine, most of the ladies who come to the Life Group are senior citizens and might be better off staying home.  She agreed and said she would start making phone calls.  

Peggy called shortly after I talked to Elaine and she said her car told her that it is THREE WHOLE DEGREES outside!

I puttered around and did a few things and decided to prepare myself a meatball sandwich for my lunch.  It was very good.  Jan messaged me on FB and told me that HULU is offering THE GOLDEN PALACE, a spin off after GOLDEN GIRLS last season.  I found it and really enjoy it.


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