THURSDAY March 17th, 2022 Saint Patricks Day

 I had to get up pretty early in order to get to Dr. Paul Wirth's office, just north of Williamsville for my procedure/surgery:  cutting out some squamous cells in my nose.  I got a tiny bit nervous because I thought I passed Sheridan Drive (where I was supposed to turn right off of Transit) so I pulled over into a parking lot and put my Navigator on and found out that I had not passed it.  The Navigator took me where I was going by a different route than I had planned, but it worked well, and I arrived about ten minutes before my seven-a.m. appointment.  Dr. Wirth is very pleasant, and he explained things well, and the procedure went well.  The only pain was when the anesthesia was administered via needle.  It does hurt pretty bad, but it is only a few seconds.  He kept apologizing.  Then he took whatever he took out to the lab and inspected it and came back to give me the verdict.   I think he said "it could not have gone better" and that he got it all and would "get you out of here forever".  The bandage the nurse put on is huge!!!!  I have an appointment in a week to have the stitches removed.  Ten thirty a.m. next Thursday.  

I got gas on the way home, at the CASH ONLY place on Transit.  I only had forty two dollars cash with me, so I could not fill up the tank.  Then I went home and started my corned beef and cabbage in my medium sized crockpot.  I called Peggy and told her that I will provide supper for her and David tonight if they arrive back in Lockport in time.  They agreed and said they plan to get back to Lockport at five thirty or six p.m.

I noticed that PBS was starting a series that I had not seen before, so I decided to try it RFDS ROYAL FLYING DOCTORS SERVICE, an Australian Series 

I went over to take care of Petra before going to my appointment with Dr. Kurbs.  That went well.  I went to TATER CAKES and picked up some Irish Soda Bread and an apple pie for supper.   HOWEVER, shortly I arrived home and set the table for supper, Peggy called and said that they are not going to make it to Lockport in time for supper.  I thought about inviting someone else over, but then decided that when she calls to tell me they are home, I will ask if they want to come for supper tomorrow.  

I called Zach at BASIL to confirm my one p.m. appointment tomorrow to pick up my new car.  Apparently, it is ready today, but I will go tomorrow since Betty already agreed to give me a ride over.

I tried to take a nap.  I swear that I dozed off and was woken up by the TV turning itself on and someone yelling "hello".  I may have dreamed the "hello" but the TV WAS on!!!!! and I am pretty sure I turned it off before I laid down.  

Anyways, the corned beef and cabbage and carrots turned out great!  I had a small plate

and then a piece of the apple pie that I got at TATER CAKES.    I worked on uploading pictures from the 1997 Florida trip in the evening and ran the dishwasher.  

Peg called at 7:30 p.m. just before they got home.  I invited them for supper tomorrow night at 5:30 and they accepted.  Everything is already cooked:  corned beef, cabbage, carrots, Irish soda bread and apple pie.  I will bake a couple of sweet potatoes for Peggy and me.

Tomorrows schedule:   shower and take this huge bandage off of my nose first thing and shower, nine a.m. meet with Kevin at NorthWest Bank, go to the library to pick up a book they have for me, ten thirty a.m. have my right eye checked (post-surgery) and see if I can schedule having the left eye done.  One p.m. pick up my car.   I might go to Feel Rite between the eye doc and getting my car.  I am almost out of my enzymes.  

Note:  I think the groin pain is gone.  I may have felt it kind of briefly today, but I am not sure.  


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