Friday July 29th, 2022 and Saturday, July 30th Community Market and more with Pam

FRIDAY:  I puttered around the house and continued getting stuff ready for my Glacier trip.  I remembered that the hospital cafeteria is now open so I called Betty and asked her if she wanted to go there and have fish for lunch.  She agreed and we decide to meet there at noon.  I called Whirpool regarding the possibility of purchasing a warranty for my new washer and drier. 

Lunch at the hospital was good. A huge piece of baked fish, hush puppies, coleslaw and fries for a little bit more than seven dollars.  Betty and I used to go there a lot before Covid, and the cafeteria closed down.

SATURDAY:  I worked on packing for the upcoming trip and then called Pam and asked her if she wanted to go to the Community Market.  She did and we agreed to meet up there in a half hour.  I was a little late, and while I was waiting, I ran into my sister-in-law Janie.  We visited for a while before Pam came.  

Pam and I were going down the long row at the market when we ran into Peggy.  She said she had just called me to see if I wanted to join her at the market.  She joined us at a table outside of Lake Effect Ice Cream.  She had purchased a cuban wrap.   I purchased two five dollar raffle tickets for a drawing that will support the locktenders monument (I think).  I tried a cup of Hibiscus Tea from a booth selling Mexican food.  I returned to get a second cup for me and one for Pam.  There were a lot of bikers arriving and many of them were going into Lake Effect Ice Cream.  

There was live mulsic.

After Peggy left, Pam and I went to the Erie Canal Discovery Center to use the ladies room.  While I was doing that,  Pam asked for information about when the Discover Niagara Shuttle and we were told it would arrive momentarily.  We hopped on and had the driver drop us off at SCRIPTS CAFE, where we had lunch. 

We each purchased a sandwich and shared and we ate outside.  It was a very good lunch.  Then we walked down Main Street and stopped at LADIES OF THE LOCKS, which is a fancy antique and collectible shop.  We were in there about a half hour.  

We walked down to the Big Bridge and returned to the market.  I purchased a large Hibiscus Tea to take home.  

I napped in the afternoon.   I decided to make a potato salad to take to Peggy and David's house tomorrow evening when I get together with them for supper.  I had a beef on weck for supper.  I tried to reach Leslie by phone, but she did not answer.  I reached Connie and we talked for a short time.  

I vacuumed the kitchen floor and half of the dining area floor before settling in to watch THE SONG OF NAMES.   The TV acted up so I wasn't able to watch all of it, and I went to bed a little early..


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