Tuesday, July 19th, 2022

 I attended the LADIES LIFE GROUP at Freedom Church this morning.  I think there were eleven of us present.  Betty was upset when Cindi interrupted her before she finished expressing her thought about the police response to the UVALDI school shooting.  Cindi's observations were valid, but I would have appreciated her waiting until Betty had gotten her full thought/idea/opinion or whatever out.    

Before the meeting started, Cindi asked me if I got her message.  When I didn't respond right away because I was wondering where and how she messaged me..............phone? email? FB or whatever, she said obviously not, but she is on for tonights puzzle competition at the libsrary.

I left the Life Group fifteen minutes early in order to go to the Y for the Seniors get together at the Y.  We   There were ten or twelve people there, all female and we played BINGO.  Maggie won this T-shirt and she was happy since it is the first time she ever won at BINGO.

  I won the last prize, which was a water bottle from a local insurance company.  I offered it to Jan and Maggie, but they said no, so I added it to a bag of items to take to Good Will that was in the back of my car.  I took the bag over right after I left the Y, and then I went to the library to see if I could still register a team for the puzzle competition.  I was allowed to.  I called Cindi when I got home and suggested we try to get a few other people to join our team, but she seemed to want to keep our team small, so we only added Pam Pursey.  

Pam, Cindi and I met up at the library.  There were several teams, each at their own table,

 competing to complete the same puzzle first.  A group of four, three women and one man, finished first, LONG before anyone else completed it.  Cindi, Pam and I were the last to finish!!!   It was fun, anyways.


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