Tuesday, July 26, 2022 and Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th

TUESDAY: I attended the Ladies Life Group at FREEDOM CHURCH.   I think there were ten of us there.  Four of us, Glenda, Betty, Pam and I went to THE FIELDSTONE for lunch.  I had one of the specials: an eggplant sandwich along with the salad bar. 

I called Marlene in the evening, and she told me that she has not received our travel documents yet.  We agreed that she will call AAA in the a.m. and I located the phone number for her.  She will call me after twelve thirty tomorrow, after she has called AAA.  Hopefully, we will be able to meet up with the new travel agent (Amanda) tomorrow and finalize our plans.  WE LEAVE for the trip a week from tomorrow. 

I talked with Myrna on the phone and got her bad news.  Her PET scan showed that the cancerous tumor has grown.  She may continue a mild treatment.   


I went to Carrie's Day Hab program for her yearly LIFE PLAN meeting.  It went well and my concerns were addressed.  After that I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items I needed, and to the GOOD WILL where I found a nice lightweight sweater for three dollars, and then stopped at Wendy's to get a burger for my lunch.  When I got home, there was a message from Marlene saying we have a four-p.m. meeting with Amanda at AAA to finalize our trip plans and get our paperwork.  I took a short nap and then got up and headed out to AAA.  That meeting went well, and we have a better idea of what to expect.

After that I went to the Community Market and got my coupons for produce.  This year they gave out $25 worth. Then I met up with Betty at the United Church of Christ where we picked up free dinners (but I gave a donation).  We had supper together at my house.

THURSDAY: I called Betty and we agreed to meet at Widewaters at five p.m. for the music and old cars. I went to Great Lakes Imaging for a sonogram of the bump near my left elbow.  Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, the bump seems to have disappeared.  It was there last night during supper with Betty because I showed it to her and commented that it was getting smaller.   Then I went to WalMart hoping to find a few items I need for my trip.  I did find them, and also purchased items to make goulash, which I have been wanting for a couple of weeks.

When I got home, I started the goulash, and marinated some slices of zucchini in garlic vinaigrette. The goulash, zucchini and garlic toast lunch were great. 

I continued working on getting ready for the Glacier trip, and then took a nap.  When I woke up and checked FB I found that the music at Widewaters was cancelled for tonight due to the heavy rain we had earlier.  There is too much water around the bandstand where they would perform.  I called Betty and told her.

Peggy called and we talked for a while.  She suggested that she, Betty and I meet next Tuesday at four p.m. for our Revelation study.  I agreed to this plan and she said she will call Betty.  She also told me that Kelly (David's oldest daughter) just had emergency gall bladder surgery.  


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