Saturday, December 10th, 2022 WOMEN'S HOLIDAY LUNCHEON sponsored by SAVE THE MICHAELS of the WORLD

 Jan mentioned this event to me, so I signed both her and I up for it, and then I invited my friend Bonnie who brought her sisters, Terry and Kathy.  We met up at Freedom Church and found a table together and later on, Dee joined us.  Laura had personally invited her.  

Bonnie, Jan, Terry and Kathy

       Each participant was given a gift  bag at the end.

Laura honored Dee because Dee was supportive and encouraging when Laura was going through depression.  

Lori picked me up at five thirty to go to this event in Niagara Falls.

It was very good.  They offered chili and crackers as well as many kinds of cookies.  There was a model train exhibit and arts and crafts table.  

At the Arts and Crafts table.

                                               The TRAIN DISPLAY

I talked with Peg in the evening and found out that she is very ill.  We started to work out a plan in which David and I could take over leadership of the CONNECT  SENIORS LUNCHEON tomorrow after the eleven a.m. service.  She gave me instructions where to find some items that we will need for the luncheon.  


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