MONDAY, February 13, 2023 and TUESDAY the 14th and Wednesday the 15th and Thursday the 16th and Friday the 17th

MONDAY:  After taking my sheets off and starting a load of laundry,  I spent  a good part of the morning working on making lodging reservations for the trip Marlene and I will be taking in April.  We will stay the first three nights in Walnut Creek at a motel which provides breakfast.  Then we will head east into Pennsylvania.  I have reservations in a city kind of close to the FLIGHT 93 Memorial for the 4th night, but still have to find something for our last night which will be in Indiana, PA so we can go to the Jimmy Stewart museum.  

I was getting really tired of all that so I got dressed and went out.  First to get gas, and then to the YMCA where I walked the track and used the recumbent bike for a few minutes.  

TUESDAY:  I went to the Y for the STABILITY class, adding in some walking and the recumbent bike.  I ran into Bonnie and Crystal there.  Then I went to the Ladies Life Group.  Cindi presented us with a couple of ideas for watching Christian movies.  I passed out Valentines Day Hershey Kisses to everyone. Six of us went to APPLEBEES for lunch.  The BOURBEN CHICKEN AND SHRIMP was great, and came with a huge salad.  I spent the rest of the day at home, doing some organizing, etc.

WEDNESDAY: I called Betty to tell her that the church in Royalton Center is offering drive through spaghetti dinner tonight.  She will pick up two meals and bring them to my house and we will have supper together.   David came over and put up "bars" over the window in the door of Carrie's bedroom and fixed a loose corner of siding on the house (it looks great now).  I went first to NorthWest Bank and got some cash.  Then to Rite Aid to pick up prescriptions, then to Wendy's to pick up lunch.  The fellow collecting money accidentally gave me fifteen dollars change when I was only expecting a dime.  I almost drove off with it, while wondering if I accidentally gave him a twenty-dollar bill, but realized I had not done that, so asked him what I gave him and he said he made a mistake, so I gave him back the fifteen dollars.  I then went to the Y for SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSIC.  Karen, who goes to FREEDOM (I have forgotten her last name) was in the same class and we visited a bit both before and after the class.  Then I went home and rested a bit.  Betty brought over two spaghetti dinners from the Royalton Center Methodist Church.  After eating we decided to call Myrna to see if she was up to having us visit.  Sh was, so we went over.  I took her some Valentines Day Candy. Betty left to do her laundry. 

 While Myrna and I were visiting Vicky called.  She gave us the bad news about her husband, Ron.  He has cancer in one lung.  They will meet with a surgeon    next week to see if he is a good candidate for surgery.  Myrna wondered if Peggy knew and suggested that I call her to make sure.  I did call her and she had not heard yet.  

I found out tonight that my former pastor (Community Gospel Church in Oneonta) Pastor Donald Yarborough is on his deathbed.  He is only a few years older than me.  He has a brain bleed and has been put on hospice care.  When I saw him last summer at Vera's wedding, he was in a lot of pain, from his back, he could barely stand up straight.  Soon, he will be out of all pain.

Also, tonight Megan told me that Chris has been admitted to Bronson Hospital due to severe pain from kidney stones and he will have surgery sometime tomorrow afternoon.  She is terribly stressed out from seeing him suffer so much the past couple of weeks but is feeling better tonight because he is being cared for and not in so much pain.  She will keep me posted tomorrow about his surgery.  I called Peggy and David to tell them of this development, and the three of us prayed together. 

THURSDAY:  I spent a few minutes with Myrna this morning because I left my purse at her place last night.  Then I went to the Y and met up with Jan and we walked for a full hour, but with a couple of three minute breaks.  Pam was there and the three of us decided to go to Wendy's.  When we got there, Pam realized that she did not have her wallet.  I treated both she and Jan to baked potatoes.  Pam had to leave for a medical appointment.  When I got home there were messages from both Peggy and Megan telling me that Chris's surgery went well, they got all of the kidney stones and that he will go home later on this afternoon.

FRIDAY:  I worked on sorting through a bunch of book that I have in my living room, bagging up a lot of them to show to Jan, who might take some, and the rest I will give to Peggy to donate to the woman who supports the Christies who are missionaries.  Jan and  I met up at the Y at one p.m. and walked the track for an hour, but taking occasional breaks.  I had forgotten that I agreed to pick up a pizza and take it to Louise's house for a meal with her and Louise.  I was supposed to be there at two thirty.  Pam called at three and I told her I had forgotten.  I quickly got ready and picked up a pizza at Mark's Pizzeria.  We had a nice late lunch or early supper of pizza, salad and peanut butter cookies for desert.  Then we played the game UNO.  The game was taking forever, and I think we were doing something wrong.  Finally, I suggested we play for ten more minutes and the winner would be the one with the least number of cards.  Louise won.  


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