Saturday, February 4th, 2023 Funeral and More and Sunday the 5th and Monday Feb. 6th

SATURDAY the 4th:   Boy did I sleep good last night.   I took two Tylenol PM and settled myself in my recliner in the family room, with a neck pillow, and a heavy afghan, with the recliner in a halfway reclining position.  I settled in around 8:30, listening to a podcast and fell asleep within minutes, and slept several hours.  Then I got up and turned on my electric blanket (to 7) and used the bathroom and got a drink of water.  I then spread out the afghan on my bed on top of the electric blanket, and put another podcast on and fell asleep promptly and slept a few more hours.  I think I may stick to this routine, but I should probably give up taking the Tylenol PM.

I spent a few hours reading this book.

Sue Rausch called to see how Carrie is doing.  I took a brief nap in the afternoon before getting ready for the funeral.  I met up with David and Peggy at SOLID ROCK Church.  This was their electronic sign by the road that goes up to the church.  

  Mike was there as well as Gail, with her son, Marty.  It was a very nice funeral with Pastor Hayes giving the "sermon" after Rene's daughter (Courtney) and Dan's brother (Roger, Jr.) giving the eulogies.  The ladies of the church put on a nice buffet dinner after the service. Here is a picture of Dan Bowler's brothers and Becky and her son, Scott. 

 Gail and Marty left, but Mike stayed and we had a nice visit.  When we discussed the recent episode in Memphis where five black cops beat and killed a black guy at a traffic stop, Mike said "I have two opinions on this.  Number one, "get rid of bad cops" and Number two "cooperate with cops" We all agreed on that.  Then both Mike and David shared stories of incidents where they almost shot a person when they were cops.  


Church was very crowded this morning. The sermon series is about LIFE HACKS.  Pastor Ben gave it today.  One life hack he mentioned is making a large batch of toast in the oven. 

After the service was over, there was the LIFE GROUP FAIR, with snacks.  A few new ladies signed up for the Tuesday morning Ladies Group.   Betty was working the "snack bar", and she wanted to have lunch at LaPorts, so I waited for her.  While waiting, I asked Marlene if she wanted to join us and she said yes.  So, the three of us met up at LaPorts.  Marlene and I had the turkey dinner, which was very good.  I spent the rest of the day at home, including a nap since I had a bad nights sleep last night.  My left leg was hurting somewhat at the end of that nap.  

I called Oxbow and spoke with a worker about how Carrie doing.  It sounds like she is doing fine, she is wheeling herself around the house and eating well.


MONDAY 2/6  I slept later than usual, probably due to it taking a long time to fall asleep last night.  When I got up after nine a.m.  I decided to go to Lewiston to see Carrie.  I couldn't get through to anybody at the house to let them know I wanted to come, so I just went.  Christa, the nurse, was getting Carrie's lunch.  I stayed while Carrie ate her lunch.  I put some button down the front shirts in her closet.  After I left, I went to DeCamillo's bakery and bought two slices of pizza and some day old cinnamon buns.  I went home for a few minutes (where I ate a cinnamon bun).  I tried to reach Jan to see if she wanted to go to the Y, but she was not home.  When I called Betty she said she had to go to her eye doctor because her new glasses are not working well.   So I went to the Y alone, where I spent 45 minutes walking and using the recumbent bike. I also went to Niagara Produce to get bananas and a few other items.  


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