TUESDAY, February 7th, 2023 and Wednesday the 8th and Thursday the 9th
TUESDAY: I didn't sleep all that well last night, and was wide awake fairly early, so I got up and got ready for the day and went to the Y for STABILITY, a class that works on balance. Then I went to the Ladies Life Group. We had three new ladies: Pat Peller, her daughter Abby and Abby's eight month old son, Timothy, and Linda, a friend of theres. Five of us went to the FIELDSTONE for lunch. And then I had my appointment with Dr. Kurbs.
In the evening, I called Natalie Northrup, an old friend from the early 1980s. I had looked for her on Facebook and found that her FB account must have been deleted since I could not find it. I was concerned that she may have passed away. I found my missing address book a few days ago and decided to call her, hoping that she still has the same number. She answered and we talked for a while. She is still active in her church and she gave me the name and address of it. She still has not heard from her son who ran away when he was a teen.
WEDNESDAY: I had the oil changed, tires rotated, and things checked out on my car this morning. I ran into Jan in the waiting room, since she was having the tires rotated on her car. After that I went to WALMART and picked up a chuck roast. And then to Rite Aid to pick up my prescription. When I got home, I fixed lunch and called Peggy to see if tomorrow might work out for she and I and Becky to have supper together.
Becky can't make it tomorrow, but Peggy and David are coming over for roast beef dinner. Becky will come the following Thursday for supper with Peg and I. In the evening, I watched a movie about Ted Bundy.
THURSDAY: I put the chuck roast, onions and carrots into my large crockpot when I got up. I made the chocolate pie. I started to watch STOLEN YOUTH: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence,
a three part series on Hulu. I did some cleaning and laundry and rested in the afternoon. Peggy and David came over for supper: roast beef and gravy, potatoes, carrots and onions, rice and rolls and butter with chocolate cream pie for dessert. We had a nice visit. I packaged up some leftovers of all the supper items and they took them over to Myrna. I finished watching STOLEN YOUTH after they left.
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