
Showing posts from July, 2023

Week of Sunday July 30th through Saturday August 5th, 2023

 SUNDAY:  Jan and I passed out cupcakes and other baked goods as people came into the sanctuary.  After the worship, I started to feel queasy, so I left early.  I stopped at Niagara Produce to get bananas.  I also picked up a ribeye steak, corn on the cob and a baked potato for my supper.  I had a short nap in the afternoon.  After supper, I did my homework for the next Life Group.  MONDAY:  I went to the Y to meet up with Jan and Pam for a walk, but when I got there, I realized I was a little bit lightheaded, so I decided I should not walk.  So, I went home.  Pam and Jan stayed to walk together.  I stopped at Rite Aid to pick up my prescriptions (I thought) but both doctors have not responded to their request for new scripts.  I realized that I felt much better, so I decided to keep my appointment to meet up with Barb for lunch at FIREHOUSE SUBS.  I didn't allow enough time to get there on time, so I was ten minutes late.  We had a nice lunch together and then went to Paula's

Week of July 23 through 29th, 2023

Sunday the 30th:  I accidentally deleted my whole weeks blog.  Last Sunday I went to BJ's with Betty and we also had lunch at Olive Garden. One night during the week, Leslie called and we talked for a while. There was a meeting at Cayuga Day Hab regarding Carrie.  I don't recall much about Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday I went to McCollum's Orchard and paid twenty dollars to fill a cup with flowers that I cut.  I made two very small vases with flowers to give to my neighbor (Vivian) across the street and her niece who was visiting.   Pics are here:    and on Thursday Jan and I went to Dr. Kurbs home and yard for the ARTISTS IN THE GARDEN event.  Pictures are here:   We enjoyed meeting the artist and doing a small project.  Here are pictures taken on Saturday the 29th at the event I attended with Jan and Pam.   It was sponsored by FIG TREE

TRIP to Cape Vincent and the Thousand Islands: July 19-July 22, 2023

 Wednesday the 19th:   I slept fairly well last night, probably due to taking TWO Tylenol P.M.  I got up a few minutes after 7:30 and took a shower and then had breakfast and then worked more on packing.  I went out at nine a.m. to NorthWest Bank to get some cash and then to the library where I picked up a book.  I was READY at about ten minutes after ten, so I messaged Cindi to say I was ready.  We left my house around eleven a.m.  Our first stop was at 12:30 at a thruway rest area where I purchased lunch at Chik-f-let.  The rest of the drive was uneventful.  We stopped in Dexter and got gas.  Finding our lodging was easy enough. The Red Cottage at Capeway Cottages in Cape Vincent.  The cottage has everything we need, but the bedrooms are very small, especially mine.  After we got settled in, we drove to MUD BAY to see if we could find a cottage owned by an old friend of Cindi's.  We found it and we looked around a bit, nobody was home.  Before going back to our lodging, we stopp

Sunday July 16th, Monday July 17th and Tuesday July 18th, 2023

 SUNDAY Church was very good this morning.  Pastor Craig and Jenny are working at BEAVER CAMP this weekend, so Jim Hood and Lou Mead led the service/sermon which centered on the movie THE JESUS REVOLUTION.   Cherry drinks were offered in the foyer, and big buckets of small bags of popcorn were available in the sanctuary.  I had responsibility for making sure the buckets of popcorn were refilled as needed.  I was happy to see that Lori's son Branden brought her to church and sat with her and participated in the service.  After church, Betty and I met up at ARBY's and had lunch together.  Then I drove home and she picked me up and we headed out to go to the POMERAY SCHOOL, which is the site of the Town of Lockport Historical Society.  The school is open to the public occasionally and today it was open as part of the FLOWER WALK.  Jim Boles, the Niagara County Historian, was there.  I purchased two of his books.   Part of the school, which was open until 1956, was set up with desk

Week of Sunday July 9th through Saturday July 15th

 SUNDAY:  Last night, I pulled out several dresses and skirts from my closet, things that I might wear at Cassandra's wedding.  This morning, I decided to try one outfit on, the one I liked best.  So, after my shower, I tried it on, and I liked it, it fit well and is comfortable, so I decided to wear it to church.   I asked Peggy if she thinks it is dressy enough for the wedding and she said yes.  But I could not wait to get home and take it off!  As church ended, I felt a tiny bit shaky, so I decided to go straight home.  After changing out of my dress, I called Betty since she had not come to church.  She said she had a few stressful days and needed some down time.  Apparently, her car has broken down and repairs will cost a LOT of money. I fixed a burger for lunch and then took a nap.  After my nap, I called Leslie and suggested that she go see the movie SOUND OF FREEDOM.  She said she will.  She is still suffering from the rash, it bothers her on her hands the most.  She is thi