Week of October 22 through 28th, 2023

 SUNDAY:  First thing in the morning, I finished preparing the BEAN WITH HAM SOUP for the Seniors Luncheon today.  I had it in TWO crockpots and transported it on the floor of the back seat of my car. Church was very good today.  I left the service a little bit early in order to go to the kitchen to start helping to set up for the luncheon.  There was PLENTY of food, three soups, meatballs and sauce, sandwich makings, green salad and lots of desserts to choose from.  I brought home some bean soup for my supper.  I only took two pictures. Maggie and her fiancee won one of the raffle prizes.

                                             Peggy making announcements.

It was a bit warmer, and part of the sky was blue, so I decided to take a few more fall color pictures before going home.   First, I pulled into the parking area of the Kenan Center and then I stopped at the Stevens Street bridge.  

I had to wait for a passenger train.  Many passengers waved!
I took a nap, then I did my homework for Tuesday morning.  I talked with Peggy on the phone.  She said my bean soup is delicious.  I had the last bowl for supper, and I think it is quite mediocre.  I started assembling the Operation Christmas Child boxes and I need to shop for items tomorrow.  I watched two programs on PBS: WORLD ON FIRE and ANNIKA.

MONDAY the 23rd:  I had my chiropractic appointment and then my six months up checkup with Dr. Fetterman (my eye doctor).  My eyes are fine!  Slight change in prescription, but no need to fill it since it is so slight.  No charge for today!!!  Then I went to the DOLLAR TREE to shop for items for OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD boxes.  And then I treated myself to lunch at ARBY'S, since I had a good coupon.  That roast beef and cheddar sandwich was delicious but SO messy.  I think I used nine napkins.  

When I got home, I started work on the boxes.  I filled one for a girl ages ten to fourteen, and one for a younger boy.  I have a few items in my third box which will be for a younger girl, and hopefully will be able to get the items tomorrow or Wednesday.  
This is the boy's box.  The WOW item is a case of blocks that are compatible with LEGO's and there are lots of other items including two Matchbox cars, crayons and pads of paper, a chapstick, soap and a washcloth, toothbrush and more.  
This is the girls (age 10-14) box.  The black and white purse is the WOW item, and is full of "hair" items, and I placed a pair of bedroom slippers on the top and had to rubber band the box shut!!!  There are two pairs of socks a necklace, a comb, nail files, a washcloth and soap, toothbrush, chapstick, a small case with some wooden stars and markers to paint them with, and more!
I also drove down to Cold Springs Cemetery (yes, again) since the sky was blue and the sun was shining, and I figured it would be a good time to get more pictures.  It definitely was better than a few days ago, but not as good as I had hoped it would be.

I took this picture across from the old "poorhouse" on Davison Road.
I spent the rest of the day at home.  I had a couple of phone conversations with Peggy in the evening.  First to ask for prayer since Petra (their cat) was failing fast and the second around ten fifteen p.m. to say that she passed away.  Peggy said they are relieved for her but upset because they loved her and will miss her so much.  I have to admit I shed a few tears, not because I loved Petra (I did, though, a little) but because Peggy and David are so upset.  

October 24th, 2023  I went to the Ladies Life Group this morning.  It was not very well attended, but it went well.  When it was over, I asked both Marlene and Glenda if they wanted to go to LKPT ENERGY HOUSE for a "shake".  Marlene said no, but Glenda agreed.  I think she enjoyed her shake and ice tea.  We sat and visited for a while before leaving, and then went into TATER CAKES, where I purchased a cranberry/orange scone.  Then I went to the DOLLAR TREE and purchased items for an OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD box.  Then I went to my dermatologist appointment in East Amherst.  Unfortunately, a tick was found and removed from the back of my right leg, and I was given a prescription for ten days of an antibiotic.

In the evening, I found this movie on HOOPLA  
It is a very troubling movie, the theme is racism.  It takes place as WW2 is winding down, antisemitism is rampant  UGH.   I also worked on the Christmas Child boxes.  I need to go back to DOLLAR TREE and get a few items for the little girls box.

Wednesday October 25th:  Peggy came over this morning and we watched the latest update from Amir Tsarfati, and we also finished up the video we were watching last week.  After she left, I went to DOLLAR TREE and finished up purchasing the items I wanted to put in the little girls Operation Christmas Child box.  I also stopped at FIVE GUYS and bought a small order of french fries.  I took a nap in the late afternoon.  I talked to Paula on the phone and she told me the bad news that cancer has been found in one of her "ducts", and she will have to start chemo treatments
every three weeks starting soon.  I wached a live presentation by Jack Hibbs and Amir at ten p.m.   

THURSDAY the 26th:  I met up with Zoe and Carrie at the Hoover Road house this morning and accompanied them to DENT where Carrie had her regular six month check.  No change in her medication.  On the way home, I stopped at HOOVER'S and had a turkey dinner, the one they offer every Thursday.  the price is under eleven dollars!  The only drawback is that the vegetable offered is green bean casserole, but I ate them anyways.  Everything was really good, and just the right size portions.  I also stopped at JoJo's and had a hot fudge sundae made with lactose free ice cream.

FRIDAY the 27th:   I had my dentist appointment this morning and it went well.  I went home and changed into lighter clothing because I noticed how warm it was outside.  I called Peg to tell her I was done with my appointment, and she came over and picked me up and we went to GORDY HARPERS where we met up with Gail and Becky for lunch.  I had the broiled fish, which was very good.  We all had a nice time together and talked about doing it again soon.  Peg came back over to my place in order to go upstairs and get a few things to take home.  I took an afternoon nap.  In the evening, Jan and I talked on FB messages about going out together someplace tomorrow.  We decided to go to Buffalo for ART ALIVE 2023 Celebration at the Albright-Knox Art Museum, which now has a new name: BUFFALO AKG ART MUSEUM.  

SATURDAY the 28th:   I made the phone call about JURY DUTY in the morning and found out that I do not have to report on Monday, but I need to call Monday evening and find out about Tuesday.   Jan picked me up at eleven a.m. and we headed to Buffalo.  We had to park a bit away from the museum, and it was a short walk.  The event ART ALIVE 2023 was held on the lawn behind the museum.  It seemed to be several groups, each of whom had put together a structure of some sort and then inserted themselves into the structure.  It was very interesting.  Visitors could vote for their favorite, but Jan and I did not do that.  These are the two I liked the best:  

We also visited the MIRROR ROOM, which we both enjoyed.  Apparently, it is a temporary exhibit that sometimes is in storage.  This sculptural installation, a room covered entirely in mirrors into which viewers can enter, has become one of the most beloved works in the Buffalo AKG’s collection and is the centerpiece of Looking Back: Lucas Samaras’s Mirrored Room. Only two people are allowed in at a time.  I took pictures inside.
Another inside picture that I took.
After leaving the museum, we went to JUST PIZZA.  Jan had a slice of pizza and I had garlic toast with spinach.  We stopped at Paula's Donuts on Sheridan.  

I think she dropped me off about three p.m.  I was pretty tired and laid down on the couch and slept for a while.  In the evening I watched two episodes of MIDSOMER MURDERS (The Scarecrow Murders, Parts 1 and 2) and DCI BANKS.


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