WEEK of October 29th through November 4th

 SUNDAY October 29th

Church was excellent today.  When we were done, Glenda, Mary Watt and I went to LaPort's for lunch.  I relaxed the rest of the day.   The only thing I accomplished was gathering my bills together so that I can pay them tomorrow.

MONDAY the 30th:  In the morning, I got caught up on a couple of checks I needed to write and mailed them off, along with a postcard for Tyler.  My SS has not yet been deposited, so I was unable to pay bills.  I went to the Y at eleven thirty and walked a bit, but not as long as I planned since I ran into Fran Wery and we talked for a while. Unfortunately, her back is "back to square one" and she can only walk for seven minutes.  I told her about the Thanksgiving dinner on 11/16 at the Y.  She invited me to LOCKPORT ALLIANCE this coming Friday to watch a movie of a play done at SIGHT AND SOUND.  Unfortunately, I already responded to July Schultz's LADIES GAME NIGHT invitation the same evening.  I ran into Selma and her daughter, Saba at the Y, also, and told them about the Thanksgiving dinner.  It was at this same dinner last year when I met Selma, but her daughter was in Pakistan so was not there.    I called the JUROR service hotline and learned that I am NOT needed for the trial and because I cooperated, I was given eight years credit!  Well, I will be 82 years old at that time.  I guess I will NEVER serve on a jury.

TUESDAY the 31st.  Peg came over in the morning and we watched Part 2 of REVEALING REVELATION.  After that I went to the Y and walked and used the recumbent bike for 35 minutes.  I stopped and picked up Betty's mail before going home.  I took a nap in the afternoon.  I met up with Jan and Peggy at FREEDOM CHURCH for PRAISE AND PIZZA. 
Peggy picked up a BBQ pizza with ham and pineapple from Domino's and brought it in.  It was a BRING YOUR OWN PIZZA event and there was plenty of pizza.  After that, we went to the large sanctuary for worship which was VERY good.  It ended at quarter after eight.  

WEDNESDAY November 1, 2023   I met up with Jan at the Y at 11:30 and we walked for a bit and then went to DRUMS ALIVE.  There were only a few people there for that class, which as usual, was so much fun.  After that class, we walked some more.  I picked up the "Wednesday Special" at KFC for my lunch and took it home.

THURSDAY:  I got groceries this morning and then spent the afternoon at home, trying to nap because I slept poorly last night.  I met up with Peggy and David at their house at 4:45 and we headed to Clarence for the SON RAYS Banquet at Samuels Grande Manor.  Freedom Church shared a table with four people from The Chapel.

  The number of participants was much smaller than last year, they only had 2/3 of the large banquet room set up.  The program was not all that good, but the meal was great.  Chicken cutlet, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans (as opposed to canned or frozen), rolls and ice cream for dessert.  Dom and Ro joined us at the Freedom table.  We actually left before the main speaker.  I was getting frustrated with the leaders NOT following the schedule and people walking around and talking etc. and said to Peg "is it too early to leave?"  Apparently, it wasn't because she agreed a few minutes later, right about the time the speaker started.  Other people had also left by that time.  I invited Peg and David over tomorrow evening for beef stew and they agreed.  After we are done eating, Peg and I will go to Julie Schultz's house for Ladies Game Night.  

FRIDAY October 3, 2023

I finished up the course of antibiotics that I took because of the tic that was removed from my leg ten days ago.  HOORAY.  It was a real challenge to take it at the appropriate times.

In the morning, I put together beef stew in the crockpot and made a small batch of peanut butter cookies.  Elaine, Lori and Jan came to my place at nine thirty, and I drove the four of us to Gasport for the event at COVENANT UCC.  (Craft Bazaar, etc.)

  We all made some purchases and then had lunch together there.  For seven dollars, we got soup, sandwich, desert and a drink.  It was very good.  Elaine, Lori and I will meet here at my house tomorrow at three p.m. and drive together to the same church to pick up turkey dinners.  I took this picture of Lori, Jan and Elaine after we got back to my house.

I took a short nap and got up in time to finish up supper preparations before David and Peggy arrived.  Peggy brought some nice rolls, which I served with the stew, which was VERY GOOD!!!  Then Peggy and I drove to Amherst for LADIES GAME NIGHT at Julie Schultz's house.  There were eleven of us there, and we had a good time.  I won the first game we played at the table Peg and I sat at. I was just lucky, I kept getting the right playing pieces.   Then we ALL played Taboo.  I don't recall which team won.  There was LOTS of food that we all shared.  As Peg and I were leaving Julie's house, Cindi told me that she talked to Betty on the phone and she is sick and does not want to take antibiotics.  She also said that we will honor Betty for her eightieth birthday at our last Life Group, two days before Thanksgiving.  We will have to discuss this more later on.

On Facebook, I got a notification saying that the location of the bazaar and turkey dinner tomorrow has been changed.  I messaged the church to ask about this.  

SATURDAY October 4th:  In the morning, Lori picked me up and we went to ALL SAINTS CHURCH for their event.
We met up with Peggy there.  She had already purchased a quart of chicken chowder.  At the first vendor Lori and I stopped at, a woman was selling hot pads/pot holders three for two dollars.  I decided on the spot to purchase enough of them to give one to each woman in the Tuesday morning Life Group I attend.  Peg, Lori and I each purchased something to eat,

I had a piece of apple pie and some mulled cider.  We sat at a table next to Elaine and Nancy.  Elaine was disappointed because her bowl of chowder did not have any chicken in it, and only a couple of vegetable pieces. Lori and Peggy bought tickets for the basket raffle,

but I did not see anything I liked.  After that, I rested for a while until Elaine and Lori arrived an Elaine drove the three of us to Covenant UCC in Gasport where we got in line for the donation turkey dinner.  We had to wait in a long line of cars for at least 45 minutes, maybe closer to an hour. Lori and I ate together at my house.  The stuffing was not very good, but everything else was fine, including the pumpkin pie.  Lori stayed a while and we talked.  


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