
Showing posts from February, 2024

Week Starting Sunday February 25th, 2024

 SUNDAY:  I started feeling kind of shaky and week during worship at church this morning.  So, I had to tell Marlene that I needed to go home after church instead of going to North Tonawanda with her.  Our plans had been to go to Joey's Place for lunch and then to the Riviera Theatre for the free organ concert by Camden Church.  I stopped at Mark's and got a slice of pizza to take home for my lunch.  It was not very good; I am sure it was left over from yesterday.  I found an episode of BROKENWOOD MYSTERIES on Hoopla and watched most of one episode until I started dozing off on the couch.  I spent the rest of the day resting at home, but I started working on planning for Thursday mornings FREEDOM GROUP, which I will be facilitating.   MONDAY:  I had my chiropractic appointment and then went to the Y where I walked 15 minutes and then used the recumbent bike for five minutes. Then I returned a bottle of cranberry juice to Aldi and got a refund.  I spent the rest of the day at ho

WEEK of February 18th through the 24th, 2024

 SUNDAY the 18th:  I had a message from Jan this morning saying that she broke her wrist!   The weather was not good this morning and when I got up, I told Leslie that I did not feel like going to church today.  So, we watched it online.  It was very good. Marcus McFolling was great!!!!!  Before church started, Marlene Perkins had some sort of episode involving dizziness (I think) and 911 was called and she was taken to the new hospital here in Lockport.  Peggy called me after church to inform me.  She was released after a few hours.  Apparently, it was a blood pressure issue, perhaps relative to a new medication she started recently.  Except for when Leslie went out to get gas, we spent the day inside where it was warm. I made French toast for breakfast and Hawaiian pizza for lunch, both turned out very good.  We finished watching FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, and in the evening, we watched the season finale of ALL CREATURES GREAT and SMALL.  We played a couple of games of SEQUENCE and BANANAG

Week of February 11th through 17th, 2024

 SUNDAY the 11th:  Church was good this morning.  After church I went down to the youth sanctuary, which was emptying out, in order to help Peggy get ready for the seniors social.  Jan and I put tablecloths on and decorated them quickly.  We opened up plates and napkins and helped set up for the meal. I think there were about forty people there.  I collected money from the guests, there was a five dollar charge per person.  Three people could not pay due to not having any money, so I covered them.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I had a nice nap.   I watched the movie MOONSTRUCK with Cher and Nicolas Cage.  I had seen it before years ago.  I also watched my two shows on PBS: Miss Scarlett and the Duke and All Creatures Great and Small.  I did not do much else.  I messaged Cindi about the trip idea and emailed Leslie, but I think she is not getting my emails.  I did a load of laundry.   MONDAY:  I took several painted rocks with hearts on them, to places around town for Valentin


say to protesters, (some first and second generations of immigrants from Arab countries,  those supporting Hamas  do you think that you could go to Gaza and protest and say you disagree with a policy:  they would kill you.  can you be gay in Gaza and live, NO, you would be killed.   same in Iran and the W. Bank  to come here to the USA and flee that tyranny and then voice support for the things you fled is incoherent. if you hate the USA, go back to where you want to be and lose your freedom and opportunities to prosper.join Jihad, have no freedom. 20 percent in Israelis are Arab, smaller percentage Muslim and they have complete freedom to participate in all that Isr. has to offer.  the Islamic countries do not offer freedom, security, prosperity but ISRAEL DOES. USA is center right, like it has always been.  

Week of Sunday February 4th through February 10th, 2024

 SUNDAY:   I did not go to church today, so I watched it online.  Unfortunately, I missed the Life Group Fair and free food (I think chicken wings).  I watched a few short things on youtube.  I decided today was a good day to finish up using the cabbage in the refrigerator.  I looked up recipes for fried cabbage.  I didn't exactly follow ONE recipe, just got ideas.  I kind of liked the idea of cooking the cabbage in water (not a lot) so I tried it.  I think next time I will skip the water.  Anyways, it turned out well and is very tasty. I painted a couple of rocks and scanned some of Peggy's pictures into both her and my flickr accounts.   MONDAY:  I had my appointment with Dr. Kurb and after that I went to Aldi and got some groceries.  Yesterday, I really wanted Chiavetta's chicken but I didn't want to go out, so I went to Chiavetta's today and got a half a chicken, some bbq sauce and some coleslaw.  I had some of that for lunch.  I took a nap in the afternoon, and