WEEK OF JUNE 9 through June 15, 2024

 SUNDAY the 9th    Church was great this morning.  I hung onto every word of the sermon because it was SO interesting.  I offered the three small pie plates to Lisa and she took them.  She said that she had made me a strawberry rhubarb pie but forgot to bring it and would deliver it to me later on.  Glenda was not at church, due to having a cold.  Betty, Marlene and I went out for lunch at LaPorts.  I had a cup of beef barley soup and a hot dog.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  Lisa DID deliver the pie, and I had a slice, and it is very good.  I spent most of the day relaxing and resting up from the retreat.  I am not going to fully unpack since I will be leaving in eight days to go to meet up with Leslie in Middlesex.  I worked on getting addresses of various places and attractions

MONDAY the 10th:  In the morning I made some calls in order to secure trip insurance for my September trip to Montreal and Quebec City.  I chose Allianz and paid with my credit card.  I met up with Jan at the Y and we walked off and on for an hour between noon and one p.m. Before going home, I went to Niagara Produce and purchased a few items. I had a nice nap in the afternoon.  I prepared meatloaf, baked potatoes and yellow squash for my supper.  I was looking at facebook when I learned about the free Josh Vacanti concert at Lighthouse Christian Camp on June 30th.  I immediately went to the camp website and looked for lodging for that night, but everything is booked up.  I worked on my homework for tomorrow's Life Group.  

TUESDAY the 11th:  First thing this morning, I went to NorthWest bank and got some cash for my upcoming trip with Leslie. We had a very small group of ladies at Life Group this morning.  Cindi was planning to golf and Karen had an appointment, so nobody went out to lunch.  I had lunch at home and took a nap and worked on packing for next week's trip.  I called Peggy to discuss our plans for tomorrow.  I made reservations for a factory tour and free meal at Confers in North Tonawanda.  David has decided he can quit golfing early in order to be free in time to leave at 1:25 p.m.  

WEDNESDAY:  First thing this morning I went over to the HOOVER ROAD Home, where Carrie lives.  The occasion was a "Ribbon Cutting" for the new home, which Greg Stenzel invited me to.  When I arrived, I was told to sit in front as an honored guest, along with Shirley (guardian of one of the guys in the house) and William's sisters.  After the short speeches and ceremony,

they offered refreshments for everyone.  I had some fruit and a slice of quick bread.  When I left there, I went to the Y and met up with Jan and we walked for a while until it was time for me to leave in order to meet up with Peggy and David at their house.  From there David drove my car and we went to CONFER PLASTICS in North Tonawanda for their 50th Year Anniversary and Open House. 

 This event consisted of Bob Confer giving a presentation about the history and products,

a tour of the factory, (we were fortunate to be the only three in our tour, and we had a very nice guide)

being given gifts and souvenirs and then a meal outside.  The meal consisted of barbecue chicken, burgers and hot dogs, potatoes, pasta with a choice of sauces, vegetable salad and macaroni salad and cake.  It was very good.  I left my bench (one of the souveniers) with David so he could put it together for me.  As I was getting in my car to leave their house, a young black girl called out to me, she said she was lost and did not know how to get to Sub-D.  I told her general directions but then offered to give her a ride.  She said she had been looking for Transit but ended up on Beebe (but she may have meant Beattie).  Her name is Mya and I would guess her age to be around twenty.  She said she moved from New York City to Lockport five months ago and didn't know her way around.  I would have liked to get more of her story, but didn't feel right questioning her.  I think she might be a Madonna House resident.  

June 13th, Thursday:  I called Leslie this morning to wish her a Happy Birthday, but I got her voicemail so I sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her on her voicemail.  I had an appointment with a PA at Dent at eleven a.m.  I was pretty much discharged unless I have a problem.  I stopped at Wegmans on the way home to get some cottage cheese.  I had lunch at home and then took a nap on the couch.  When I got up, it was time to get ready to go to LOCKPORT ALLIANCE for the Lockport CareNet event: a chicken dinner and basket raffle.  Peggy, David, Jan and I sat at a table with Jim and Sue Christie and Aunt Gloria (I am not sure if she is Sue or Jim's aunt) and Karen who is a friend of Gloria.  There was an elderly lady wandering around wondering where she was supposed to sit, so we invited her to sit with us and I got an extra chair.  She said her name is Cecelia.  Her son showed up shortly and took her to another table.  I won a FIFTY DOLLARS certificate to Manito's and a very nice platter.  I didn't really want the platter but I had one ticket left that I put on that.  It is very nice, and worth about fifty dollars, according to Amazon.

Jan won a sign and Peggy won two certificates: one for a photo shoot and the other for a restaurant.  I stopped at RiteAid before coming home and picked up a prescription.  David put my bench (that he put together) in the back of my SUV.  I set it temporarily on my front porch, but I think I might leave it there.  It gives me a spot to put stuff down when I bring it from my car to my porch and also to sit on while I put shoes or boots on. I really like it.

JUNE 14th Friday:  The weather forecast for next week is HEAT WAVE.  I decided to take my bathing suit with me on the trip and I left Leslie a message about that and said I will bring an extra bathing suit that she can use.   I had my appointment with Dr. Guntrum, and it went well.  She will order a sleep study.  I stopped at WalMart to get some sunscreen and OSTEO BI-FLEX.  I had lunch at home and rested a bit, and started to put together a birthday package for Tyler.  I called Jan at three p.m., and we agreed to meet at the Y and walk.  I met her there at three thirty.  After that, I went to FREEDOM CHURCH where I met up with Lois and Lori.  Lori was planning on driving, but Lois offered, and we accepted.  We were a few minutes late for our reservation at MORLUSKI'S in Clarence Hollow.  Lori ordered a pizza, Lois ordered cabbage rolls and I ordered the POLE PLATE:  Wardynski's Smoked Sausage, sauerkraut, potato pancake with applesauce and sour cream, and grilled rye bread.

  They also brought a huge salad and warm bread for all of us. 

Lois and Lori were happy with their meals and we all took leftovers home.  Lois used her phone to find a different route home, which was very scenic.  She dropped a pair of pants off at a seamstress she knows.  When she left Lori and I off at FREEDOM, she said something like this to me "Let me know the next time we are going to go out and have fun".  She also told me that she bought a seat/chair at Home Depot that she can bring when we go hiking, so that she can take a break and sit down.  

SATURDAY:  I spent the entire day at home.  I did a load of laundry and worked on getting stuff organized for my trip with Leslie and started putting some stuff in my car.  I called Leslie when I saw that she had tried to reach me yesterday. We talked about the trip.  

The two little girls who sold me a bracelet a few weeks ago came to my door.  They said the price has gone up to four dollars.  I asked them if they might be able to make me a red, white and blue bracelet, but they said they do not have any "equipment" left.  I told them that if they make me a stretchy red, white and blue bracelet, I will purchase it.  I also told them that I really like the bracelet they sold me and that I wear it often, which is true.

I worked on a final document of things to do near Penn Yan and found a couple of places I had not seen before. 


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