SUNDAY 23rd through SATURDAY March first, 2025

SUNDAY: Church was great this morning. It was EXPERIMENT SUNDAY, meaning that management has decided to experiment with different times for the services, since it looks like we need to have two services at Freedom South. So today church started at eleven a.m. instead of ten thirty a.m. I was ready about the same time as I have always been, so I decided to go to Panera and get a free drink. Jan was home sick and Elizabeth did not come. Glenda, Dee and I decided to go out for lunch after. We chose Kalamata's but when we got there we were told we would have to wait 25 minutes, so we decided on Den. ny's but when we got there, there were not any available parking spots, so we went to ARBY's. I had coupons which helped! We had a nice lunch, and we lingered for an extra half an hour or and talked. Dee really seemed to need to talk about her health and her two cats who recently died. While we were eating, Crystal cam...