WEEK OF SUNDAY February 2nd through SATURDAY FEBRUARY the 8th , 2025

 SUNDAY:  Getting my three trash bins out this morning was a bit of a chore, due to snow and heavy fully filled bins.  Church was very good. I was trying hard to save two seats for Elizabeth and Elaine, since Peggy told me that they would be at church today, but they did not show up.  I think I will give up on saving seats for Betty.  I have been saving her a seat for weeks, perhaps months and she has not shown up.  Pastor Craig is in Mexico, so Jenny gave the sermon. 

It was very good, but I missed the last few minutes because I went down to the kitchen to help Peggy get ready for the CONNECT luncheon.  I opened up the tablecloths and put them on the tables, after helping to clean up the mess the kids made.  I also helped to recut the several Domino's pizzas.  They are never completely cut in the pizzerias.  We set up a small basket raffle (tickets were free).  The luncheon was pizza, green salad, drinks and desserts.  I had made two batches of cookies:  chocolate and chocolate chip.  There were several dessert items to choose from including cupcakes and a lemonade pie and monkey bread.  Terry Ackerman gave a very good devotional about Saul/Paul.  We sang a hymn.  Peggy could not find one of the items she needed for the craft project, so we did not do that.  I think there were about forty people there.  Marsha Schul won this item that I had donated for the raffle.  
She really likes it and immediately moved it to the Valentines Day display.  

Cindi is holding up the Israeli wall hanging, that Louise won.

When I got home, my wifi was not working.  I waited until after my nap to call SPECTRUM.  I was on the phone with two different guys but their final verdict was that the problem is with my router.  They have claimed that before, too.  However, shortly after I got off the phone with the second guy, all of a sudden my internet was working fine.  Go figure.   In the evening I called Leslie and we talked for a half hour or so.  She seemed to be a little depressed.  

MONDAY:  I had an appointment at BASIL TOYOTA to have my car inspected.  Before going there, I stopped at the library to read last Fridays newspaper, since Becky told me that the colorful Prophet Isaiahs house is being made into an art museum.  After BASIL, I stopped at the DOLLAR TREE to get a few items.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  Peggy came over and worked in the basement for a while.  She found a lot of interesting mementos which I will go through and scan.  Most likely I will need to buy a new scanner since I cannot figure out how to get mine connected to my computer.  

TUESDAY:  After Life Group, five of us went to PANERA'S for lunch:  Pam, me, Cindi, Glenda and Carol.  Then I went home where I spent the rest of the day.  I called Sue (my roommate for the upcoming cruise) to report on the meeting she missed last week.  I also got the name of the neurologist here in Lockport that she recently saw.  Dr. SINGH, on Professional Drive.  I think I will make an appointment.

I continued working on sorting through my pile of recipes, some cut out from magazines, and some handwritten recipes that were given to me or that I found here.  I got rid of a LOT of them, and kept the ones that I want to use, but I won't live that long.

WEDNESDAY:  In the morning, I worked on completing my travel documents on the PRINCESS CRUISE APP.  I talked with Gwen from the travel agency and she showed me how to attach my photo.  However, that did not work, so I have to go back and try again but at least now I know how to do it.  I spent the whole day to home and did not accomplish much.  All of a sudden my scanner started to work and I scanned two photos but then it stopped working.  I sorted through the pile of documents, photos and old newspaper articles and have them in piles on my kitchen counter, but until I get the scanner issue resolved, I cannot do anything with them.  

THURSDAY:  I had my appointment with Dr. Kurbs this morning and then I went to the Y to meet up with Jan.  I got there earlier than the agreed upon time, so I did fifteen minutes on the recumbent bike  Jan and I walked a half hour, in two shifts and then went to WENDY'S for baked potatoes BUT she changed her mind and got chicken nuggets.  I went to WalMart before coming home.  I ran into Peggy and David in WM and David said they were going to rent a RUG DOCTOR.  I suggested that instead of doing that, they could use my rug shampooer.  So they came over and got it.  I have not used it since I moved here and it was basically taking up space in a closet.  I told them not to bring it back, instead keep it at their house.  I settled down on the couch to take a nap ,but Cindi called and asked if she could bring some chili over. I said OK.  She came and we visited for several minutes before she headed for home.  

FRIDAY:  In the morning, I renewed my CONNECTED SERVICES through Toyota, at a cost of $160.00.  Peggy came eover and worked in the upstairs apartment.  She was still here when Amanda, my nurse from Univera came.  We had a short visit.  Then I called Cindi and told her Amanda was gone and she could come over any time to watch BONHOEFFER.  We agreed on twelve thirty.  In between all of this I scanned some old photos and items into my Flickr account because my scanner suddenly started working.  Some of the pictures are from a trip to Allegany where my mother took this picture of me, Linda and Gail.

The way I remember it, this spot was very close to the cabin we stayed in.  

I called Scott Ode and arranged to go into NorthWest Bank on Monday to get my document for my new CD (one I rolled over when it matured a few weeks ago).  11:30 on Monday.  

Cindi came over in the afternoon and we watched the movie BONHOEFFER.  It was my third time, and I still enjoyed it.  She brought the makings for chicken salad sandwiches and potato chips, so we had a late lunch together.  After she left, I took a much needed nap on the couch.  

SATURDAY:  Lori is sick, so she cancelled out from going to the Ladies Luncheon at CHURCH OF ONE FAITH.  I asked Pam to come and she agreed.  We arrived a few minutes before eleven a.m. the appointed time.  It was a disappointment to find that they were not yet set up for the event, and the sidewalks were not salted.  Pam, Dee and I were the only new guests.  The other three attendees seem to be already affiliated with the church.  Vicky, a social worker, led the teaching which was very good.  The meal was pizza, punch and cupcakes. 

When Pam and I got back to my house, I asked her if she wanted to come in and watch the latest episode of MATLOCK.  She did, so we watched it.  I was dozing off during it partly due to the fact that it was not all that good, and also, I did not sleep well last night.  I spent the rest of the day at home. 


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