SUNDAY 23rd through SATURDAY March first, 2025

 SUNDAY:   Church was great this morning.  It was EXPERIMENT SUNDAY, meaning that management has decided to experiment with different times for the services, since it looks like we need to have two services at Freedom South.  So today church started at eleven a.m. instead of ten thirty a.m.

I was ready about the same time as I have always been, so I decided to go to Panera and get a free drink.  Jan was home sick and Elizabeth did not come.  Glenda, Dee and I decided to go out for lunch after.  We chose Kalamata's but when we got there we were told we would have to wait 25 minutes, so we decided on Den.  ny's but when we got there, there were not any available parking spots, so we went to ARBY's.  I had coupons which helped!   We had a nice lunch, and we lingered for an extra half an hour or and talked.  Dee really seemed to need to talk about her health and her two cats who recently died. While we were eating, Crystal came in.  I had not seen her in a while, so I introduced her to Glenda and Dee.  I spent the rest of the day home.  The only thing I accomplished was completing some paperwork regarding Carrie and getting it ready to mail.  In the evening, I watched an episode of 24 and Tracker.

MONDAY:  I arranged to meet up with Jan at the Y at eleven a.m.  Before going to the Y, I went to the library to drop of a book and pick up another one, and to PANERA's where I got a free drink.  Jan and I walked the track for close to forty minutes, and I used the recumbent bike while waiting for her since she was late.  They have the basket raffle set up.  I was kind of disappointed that they combined the two items I donated with a few others for the silent auction.  But it works well.  After leaving the Y, I  filled up on gas and went to FeelRite and purchased LACTO and DIGEST GOLD, and when a clerk asked if she could help me, I asked her if she could recommend anything for sea sickness (for my cruise).  She showed me several items and I purchased three of them. After that, I headed back to Lockport but decided to stop and have lunch.  I noticed an Italian place close to Johnny Cs and checked it out.  It was not as fancy inside as it appeared outside.  I ordered half of a white pizza sub and it was pretty good, but not spectacular.  I started reading my library book while I ate, it is a book about Virginia Hall, the American woman who helped with the resistance movement against Hitler in France. I went to WalMart to get a few items including an inexpensive vacuum cleaner.  I was pretty worn out when I got home where I spent the rest of the day.

TUESDAY:  I got up early because I had a troublesome dream, so I showered and then started a load of laundry.  After the laundry was done, I went over to Peggy and David's house and picked up the package that was delivered yesterday, and then I called Pam to make sure she was still going to meet me at IMAGE COLLISION.  She was and I suggested that after she picks me up, we go to PANERA for a drink.  This worked well and we even had about ten minutes to sit and enjoy our drinks.  LIFE GROUP was great this morning.  Cindi and the others were going to order food from the MAYFLOWER and eat there together, but Pam had to be at the DALE ASSOCIATION at one thirty p.m. so we did not have time.  However, we had time to go to the Village Eatery and share a personal pan pizza before she dropped me off at home.   After that I mostly waited at home for a phone call from IMAGE.  I finally called them at 4:45 and was told my car was ready, so I called Elaine and she came and picked me up and drove me over there where I paid and picked my car up.  I prepared creamed tuna with peas for supper, and had that with some squash from the freezer.  

WEDNESDAY:   I went to BARKER SENIORS this morning.  We had live music again, but hardly anybody was paying attention to it.  The meal was (I believe) cabbage roll casserole and mixed vegetables, and it was very good.  After the general meeting, Betty Stover held a meeting for those people going on the cruise which will start late next week.  I am very concerned about my roommate, Sue.  After I greeted her this morning, she said she cannot get enthused about the cruise and has not started preparing.  During Betty's meeting, Betty offered for her to stay longer and she would help her with something necessary on her phone, but Sue did not seem interested in that and she did not stay.  

When I got home, I did a couple of household tasks and then laid down on the couch.  I think I had slept for a little while when Mary called.  We talked for maybe 45 minutes.  I asked her if I can stay with her in the spring when I go to Oneonta to visit Connie.  She agreed and after I get back from my cruise I will figure out when might work.  After I hung up from this phone call, I put together ingredients (a new recipe) for rice pudding and put it in the oven.  While it was baking, I called Wells Fargo to make sure that the charges hat been taken off.  I found out that they have.  I noticed on my bill that I had a little over ninety eight dollars in rewards points, so I asked about redeeming them.  This was quick and easy and I will get a gift card for WalMart in the mail.  Hooray!!!!!

Lori came over for supper.  I had thawed out a large container of COWBOY BEAN SOUP and we had that with croissants, and then the rice pudding.  The rice pudding turned out differently than I expected.  It was like two layers, the rice and raisins on the bottom and a custard layer on top.  I am glad I did not put a whole cup of sugar in it, because it was sweet enough with a lesser amount.  Then we watched the movie THE BLIND.  It was my second time.  

THURSDAY the 27th:  I had planned to go to the library to have copies made of items I need for the cruise, but my printer was working so I made copies of my passport, license and a couple of extra luggage tags.  I found the letter from Ashley that Betty talked about yesterday at the meeting and read it over. I called her to ask if I needed to print any of the letter out and she said no.  I called my credit card company and told them that I will be out of the country that week.  I also called PureTalk to find out if I will have service in the other countries I will be in (Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic).  The tech I spoke to looked things up.  I decided to buy ten dollars worth of texting and phone time since I will be able to use my phone to contact people in the USA.  I called both Jan and Pam to see if either one wanted to go to the Y to walk, but Jan is having sinus issues and Pam is at Marsha's house, helping her with something.  I went to RiteAid to get my prescription for my inhaler and to Lil Caesers to pick up a lunch special and to Panera's to get a drink.  I ran into Cindi at Panera's and I told her that Lori and I are planning on going to the exhibit at the Kenan Center on Saturday.  She seemed interested and I suggested that she ask Geneva if she wants to go, too.  (Cindi and Geneva were having lunch together at Panera's)  Then I went to the Y and walked the track and used the recumbent bike.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I did a load of laundry including the several pairs of capris that I plan to take on the cruise.  

FRIDAY the 28th:   I couldn't find anyone to meet me at the Y, so I went all by myself (after getting a free drink at Panera's).  I alternated between walking the track and using the recumbent bike for close to an hour.  I decided to treat myself to lunch.  I chose FIVE GUYS, but since a small burger and a small fries (which is really not all that small) cost me fourteen dollars, I won't be going there to eat any time soon.  I had my drink from Panera's with me, so I did not have to buy a drink,  which is a good thing.  When I got home, I decided it was a good time to put my new BISSELL stick vacuum together and try it.  It worked well.  However, it seems that a piece is missing, but I am not one hundred percent sure.  There is an 800 number so I will call later on and ask. After my nap I figured it was a good time to work on trip stuff.  I tried on several pair of capris to see which ones fit OK, and I found a button top that I have not worn in a few years that will go well with dark blue capris.  Then I had a light supper, and then I programmed the phone numbers of the other people who will be on the cruise with me into my phone.

SATURDAY March 1st, 2025  In the morning I went over to the Hoover Road residence to visit with Carrie for a little while.  I took her two turtleneck shirts and I put them in her closet.  I was disappointed to see that she had bare feet, since I have asked them to put socks and the pair of shoes I recently purchased for her on when she is home.  I put them on her.  On the way home, I stopped at SUBWAY and used a coupon to get a small sub for $3.99.  I had lunch at home before meeting up with Lori at the Kenan Center for the SECRET WEAPONS OF WW2:  Women, Music and Books.  We were given a guided tour and it was excellent. Here are a few pictures.  

Lori had an appointment to have her income tax done but she had extra time before that, so I suggested we go over to my place.  She agreed to that and came over for about an hour.  


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