It was a great day. I started out by going to the Y, first for walking the track and a few machines and then for AQUA ZUMBA. Betty joined me there. I went to Aldi's, and to Wendy's to pick up a salad and also to CHINA KING for a quart of wonton soup. On the way down Pine Street, I saw that someone had put a round piece of glass out to the curb, so I stopped and checked it out and brought it home and cleaned it up and will use it on my kitchen table. I went to the Inaugural Meeting! of the newly revived Lockport Camera Club, held at the library. Unfortunately, only three people came, an elderly lady named Betty who did not stay, a fellow named David and myself. The leaders Caitlin on the left and Jean on the right are attempting to revive a club that was in existence for fifty years or so but then stopped meeting several years ago.