
Showing posts from September, 2019

Sunday 9/29

After church today, Peggy held a CONNECT (Seniors) event.   We met up at a new restaurant in town THE OLIVE LEAF.  It was a bit chaotic at first mostly because extra people showed up.  The staff at the restaurant did a great job accommodating us, though.  There were at least 25 people there, maybe 30.    I had the fried chicken and brought some of it home.  Betty's chicken and biscuits looked really good. I took a nap and then worked a bit on the list of seniors and their contacts (a project I am doing for Peggy) and then Betty picked me up and we went to get Vicky and we parked along State Street and walked across the bypass and walked on the trail for a mile or so and then turned back.  The trail is called the ERIE CANAL TRAIL and EMPIRE STATE TRAIL.    We had a nice walk.

LOCKTOBERFEST 2019: 9/28/19

This is one of my favorite yearly local events The main reason I wanted to go this year was because of the re-enactment of this photograph:   It was overcast and cool this morning.   Betty picked me up and we headed towards Canal Street.  I think we arrived at ten a.m., an hour after it started.  We were checking out the vendors when a friend of ours, Mary, joined us.  Around ten thirty we walked down the ramp to the canal and locks.  We were present for the last half of the dedication ceremony for the completed restoration of one of the wooden locks (part of the flight of 5). They they did the re-enactment of the photograph: Susan Geisler, the sculptures who is making the statues of the people sat in the group for a couple of minutes Then they opened the locks so that a Durham Boat could go through them.  Mike was one of the locktenders We decided it was time to find something to eat, and Mary decided to go home.  Betty and I split a CUBAN SANDWICH and I

CLARENCE Day Out with Betty: September 26, 2019

Yesterday Betty and I planned to have an outdoors day including hiking, geocaching and a picnic lunch.  However, it was drizzling rain in the morning so we decided to go to the Dipson Theatre to see the movie DOWNTON ABBEY. The movie was phenomenal.  I loved every minute of it!   Betty had never seen DA on television, but she was able to figure out what was going on in the movie.   When we got out of the theatre the weather had cleared up beautifully.  We were hungry and decided  to go to lunch right away.  We went to Emily's Family Diner.  We split a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich and a salad. Then we went to the Town of Clarence Escarpment Sanctuary.  We walked the trail to the left first (very short) and then walked the right hand trail which was longer.   We found one geocache at this cemetery: right next to a huge pumpkin patch Then we went to BJ's to get a few items.  We took some cold items to my house and put them in the frig and

September 25, 2019 Meeting Alice and More

This morning was Session Two of the AGING MASTERY class that I am taking at the Dale.  Pam did not feel well, so she did not attend.  Marlene was a bit late.  The topic was volunteering and it was very interesting. After the class, I hurried to SCRIPTS to meet up with Alice and Mary Ann.  This was my first time meeting Alice, but we have been FB friend for a couple of years. Mary Ann dropped her off and we chatted for a few minutes before she arrived.    We had a nice lunch.  I had a half and half :  half of a Scripts Club Sandwich and half of a Scripts Cobb Salad.  Both were good. It was a nice day so I decided to drive out to the Hartland Town Offices to pick up a prize I won at this past Saturdays basket raffle at the schoolhouse.  Unfortunately the prizes have not been dropped off.  I was a bit disgruntled, but it gave me a chance to be humble instead of acting irritated.  I went to Millers and purchased a couple of items, and I stopped at Harris Farm for custard.   I not

LONG, LONG Sunday: 9/22/19

At church today, Pastor Craig spoke about being "courageously humble" a skill I might be able to use in my relationship with Christa, although it did not seem to work when I tried to be that way with her father. Anyways, after church Dee, Betty and I went to Hoover's for lunch and then to Elderwood Wheatfield to visit with Myrna.  We had a nice visit with her for about 45 minutes.  Her brother came while we were there. I had a brief time at home before it was time to leave for church for the Remarriage of Robin and Tom.  They married in 1995, and divorced a couple of years ago, but they have gotten back together.  They were supposed to be remarried today BUT there was a glitch in getting their marriage license, so they had a commitment ceremony.   It was very nice. After the ceremony, there was a reception in the youth sanctuary.  There was a spread of food and two cakes. I gave them a gift card for Wendy's in a card.   It was a long, tiring day.  

Hartland Historical Society Fall Festival: September 21, 2019

Becky told me that this event was taking place today including a turkey dinner.  I asked Peg if she wanted to go and she did.   She came over late this morning and we worked in the garage for a few minutes.  It was terribly hot esp. for Peg when she was up in the attic of the garage.  She threw down or passed down lots of items. Peg drove some backroads to get to the stone schoolhouse.   We looked at the basket raffle (LOTS of items) and baked goods and then we had the turkey dinner, which was very good.  Before leaving, we each purchased $5 of raffle tickets and put them in the Drum Oil Gift Card basket ($50). We stopped to see the Beechy family for a few minutes, and then we also stopped at Maverick Farms, where I purchased some garlic jam.  We stopped so I could take a picture of this church on Day Road. When we got back to 17, we worked in the garage for a little while.  


I went to the Y this morning and did AQUA STRETCH and most of SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH, and walked a bit and used a couple of machines.  Then I picked up lunch at Wendy's and ate it at the library while I read yesterday and todays paper.  I tried to nap without success, so I got up and did some housework and baked the huge butternut squash that I got at MILLERS the other day. Yesterday I saw info about an event at the DALE tonight.  Paintings by Watkins doing a demonstration.  I invited Pam and Marlene to join me and both of them agreed to The NAG (Niagara Arts Guild) had a meeting first, which was kind of boring to Pam and I.  But after the meeting their guest artist JEFF WATKINS did a demonstration     of innovative technique in oil painting from a watercolor landscape.   Basically, he looked at a watercolor painting that he had already done and painted another picture in oils.  Even though I know nothing about art or painting, I found it kind of interesting.  Here is the artis

AGING MASTERY and more..........September 18, 2019

I had started to take this ten week course this past June, but then I started helping Mary Anne including taking her to orthopedic appointments on Wednesdays, so I had to quit.  The new session started today.  I had invited a few people to join me, and Pam and Marlene did!  Along with about seven other new people.   I thoroughly enjoyed the first class and hope to make it to all of the remaining nine. After class, I asked Pam and Marlene if they wanted to either go out for coffee or a light lunch.  Both said yes.  We decided on COUSINS CAFE in the Bewley Building.   We decided to walk over.  As we were walking over the Pine Street bridge, we noticed that the new lock was being installed.  It is the second of five. It turned out that mine was not a light lunch since they were offering their turkey dinner for a mere eight dollars.  So I chose that.  After that, we walked back to the Dale where our cars were parked. I realized that I have not been to Lake Effect Ice Cream since o

9/15 and 9/16/19

Yesterday, I took this picture as I was walking towards the back door of my church FAITH TABERNACLE CHURCH in Lockport. It was VISION SUNDAY, when plans for the future were announced, including the new name of the church FREEDOM CHURCH.   After church, Marlene came to my house and we spent a couple of hours planning a short trip to Cape Vincent, Sackets Harbor and Chimney Bluff State Park. Today the Y offered a luncheon.  I prepared a large batch of four bean salad.  I met up with Dee and Sarah there.  We sat at a table with Karen and Margit (who works at the Y).  I found out from Margit that I can meet again with a trainer and have more training sessions (this can be done every calendar year).  The meal was not very well attended, but it turned out to be very nice, plenty of food!

19th Niagara Celtic Heritage Festival (Fairgrounds in Lockport,NY)

It was the 19th, but it was my first time.  In former years it was at Olcott Beach, but this year they moved it ten miles closer to the fairgrounds in Lockport!!!!   Pam and I agreed to go together, so we met up at my house and I drove.  We arrived around 9:35, and parked and walked to an entrance.  Things seemed disorganized since at first there was only one line, and then we were directed to break up into two lines, one for those who already had tickets and the other for those who needed to purchase them.  LUCKY ME....!!!   I was given an already paid for ticket so I did not have to pay the sixteen dollars to buy one.  Thanks Karen Caron. (the name on the ticket) One of the first things I noticed was so many people walking around in period costumes. Pam met me inside and we walked around. A few of the buildings were open to the public.  One had vendors and a few agencies with info and freebies.  Pam bought a book from this author.  There were dancing groups performing in the a